Advice For People Afraid to Fly

Nov 13


Andrew Hunter

Andrew Hunter

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It is fairly common to experience a fear of flying on an airplane these days. Is there anything a person can do though to better manage fears and anxieties about flying?

We use airplanes as a convenient way to travel these days.  We could be traveling to another city for a business meeting or escaping for a well-deserved vacation,Advice For People Afraid to Fly Articles air travel is here to stay.  Many people these days are scared of flying or otherwise have phobias or anxieties revolving around air travel, much like others experience as panic attacks while driving or sleep panic attacks.

It's important to realize that aerophobia (another term for a fear of flying) can have it's root cause in many different realms, it is not simply a fear of the act of flying.  Some might get anxious at the thought of how high in the air they are and other people could find fear at the idea of being trapped in a tight and cramped space.  Others might have control issues trusting the pilot to fly the plane safely, while news stories of recent plane disasters could make others anxious.  Someone could be afraid to fly for literally countless reasons.

What sorts of advice can a person take to heart to make flying a more enjoyable thing?

First, try to get a good grasp of exactly what part of flying scares you the most.  Does anything come to mind that could be behind the fear?  Maybe it's something traumatizing that happened in your childhood?  You'll be much better off if you know your fear well.  That way you can deal with it more effectively and prepare yourself properly when you know you'll be flying.

It may help to educate yourself more on the mechanics of aviation.  Sometimes fear can result from not understanding how airplanes work or how something so large and heavy can stay in the air.  Do your best to find a book or other resource that explains this in an easy to understand way.

Find a support group.  Perhaps your friends and family can offer you valuable support if you feel you can trust them and that they can empathize with you.  There are plenty of internet support forums as well where members can share experiences and offer effective coping techniques.  If you have some money to spend you can also look into professional therapy in your area.

You're not alone.  Plenty of people are afraid to fly.  Many of them have been able to overcome the problem.  Flying should be a fun adventure that takes you to interesting and unusual places.  And it can be when you overcome your fear of flying!

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