Can money buy happiness? It's easy to say no, and probably correct, but that's just a way to stop thinking about the tougher issues. What is your relationship to money, for example, and how do you use this most powerful of worldly tools?
Maybe you see that chasing after money for its own sake is destructive, but isn't it equally damaging to have such a powerful instrument in your hands while pretending it has no importance?
Money Is Important
Some say that money isn't important to them, but this isn't true. The truth is they don't see the importance. They make more than they need and yet complain they have no time for their children, when they could trade time chasing money for time with their kids.
They want self-improvement, but instead of buying the tools to help them (a book, a class, a trip to a monastery) they put $800 televisions on credit cards. Then they work to pay for it all, taking even more time from their children and their own personal development.
It's not about televisions. They can be good things. It's about priorities. How we make money and how we spend money reveals ourselves. Do we like what we see? Money IS important, isn't it?
So, can money buy happiness? Well, it can help put the right conditions in place. Is it easier to be happy if you have food to eat? Whether you call that buying happiness or not, the understanding is more important than the argument.
Name any valuable goal or direction in your life. Can't you, with a little imagination, see how money might help? Earn your money in a healthy, satisfying way, and spend it wisely, and of course you have a better chance to be happy. Clearly, we need a deeper understanding of this than a cliche can provide.
Why A Team For Real Estate Investment?
I had a hard time at first with real estate investment. One of the reasons was that I tended to be a "lone wolf," trying to do too much myself. I've since learned that to really do well investing in real estate, you need to have a team of people you can trust and rely on. Here are some possible team members, and what they need to be on the team.Wilderness Survival Backpacking Tips
Why should you learn wilderness survival skills just for backpacking? They may save your life someday, and for ultralight enthusiasts like myself, skills replace gear, and therefore weight. The best reason, however, may be that it's just a good feeling to know you can deal with whatever comes up. It makes you feel more at home.Writing Persuasive Articles
You may be wondering what persuasive writing has to do with articles. After all, you're not exactly selling something with an informative article, are you? Yes, you are. You at least want persuade the reader to keep reading until he gets to your link at the bottom. Use the following tips to get more traffic by writing persuasively.