Common Mistakes you Should Avoid in Decision Making Process
In any organization decision making is part of its daily tasks. Bad leadership is connected with lack of ability in making quick rulings. There are common mistakes that are made which you should avoid.
The decisions you make determines the difference between success and failure. It may seem to be a very heavy responsibility. It is better for you to investigate and examine all the factors. Some issues are too critical since they are of urgency in nature. Such issues require no delay in making rulings otherwise if there is any delay,

then the opportunity may be lost.
That is why if you are a manager you should possess the trait of being confident. Bad leadership is connected with lack of ability in making decisions. There are some common mistakes that people make when it comes to decisions.
Six Mistakes Made
1. Indecisiveness
My English dictionary tells me that indecisiveness is the state of being unable to make a choice. You should avoid being in this state because it worsens the problem. Good managers should not only be able to decide quickly but also smartly.
2. Postponing
Don’t postpone decisions when you have the opportunity of making them. Postponing arises especially where a person is under pressure and eliminates his possibility of analyzing the problem. A time limit for information gathering, analyzing and selection of the course of action must be formulated in order for this mistake to be avoided.
3. Failure of Reliable Information
If you don’t have access to reliable source of information regarding the problem, then making decisions may result to wrong rulings. Don’t take it for granted that other people's opinions are correct by not checking the accuracy of their source of information. You should find reliable sources of information in order to avoid making bad decisions.
4. Failure to Isolate the Root Cause
You should differentiate the symptoms of the problem and its causes. If you do this, then you’re in a better position of finding better solutions.
5. Bad Method of Analyzing the Problem
Come up with the proper procedure of identifying, isolating and selecting the useful information that is sound and dependable. Build a model that incorporates and handles many variables in order to aid you in decision making process. It is also desirable for you to define the objectives criteria and constraints as early as possible.
6. Not Implementing and Following
After you have made the decision, you should not conclude that you are done with it. Instead, it is the beginning of it. Implementation of the decision is the true beginning of solving the whole problem. You should follow it in order to monitor how it’s being executed. Have the deadlines for the end of the problem.