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Leadership = Influence. It is the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically. As human beings we all influence someone: parent to child, teacher to student, friend to friend, employer to employee, and coach to athlete. If you stop to think about it, the list is endless. Since we are all capable of influencing others, we all have the potential to be leaders. A leader is not necessarily the person at the head of the table or the one with the title. The next time you are in a meeting or a social function, see how quickly you can tell who the real leader is: it is the person others naturally watch, listen to, gravitate towards, and follow. Leadership is more than a position. Leadership is a skill. Because we all have areas in which we excel, from time to time we are all thrust into leadership roles. While these opportunities may seem uncomfortable at first, ask yourself a few important questions. Which skills do I have that are being called upon? What do I have to offer? Then, take the opportunity to use these skills to move the situation forward. Leadership takes time and experience to develop. Take advantage of these opportunities to develop your leadership skills.
Managing Generation Ys
Generation Y is largest generation behind Baby Boomers. Often referred to as Millennials or Generation Next, these workers are just now entering the marketplace and seem to be creating quite a stir in companies all over the world.Getting Back into the Work Zone
Vacation time can be so relaxing, at times, maybe even lazy. When it's over, it's time to rev up for work. Follow these tips to make your transition back to work easier and more seamless.The Battle for Talent is Heating Up, Are You Ready?
Baby Boomers in their 60’s are running into the challenges of managing the very different needs of those in the Y generation. In fact, so much focus has been placed on these two sizeable generations colliding in the marketplace, that the generation in between them, Generation X, has been largely forgotten.