Are you tired of being tired? Here are 12 helpful tips to help increase your energy level.
Want more energy so you can live a more fulfilling life? Energy is life's fuel! According to Benjamin Franklin, "Energy and persistence alter all things."
Buckminster Fuller believed that real wealth is ideas plus energy. He is famous for designing the lightest, strongest and least expensive manmade structure - the geodesic dome. It can cover more space without inner supports than any other structure and it can be put together very rapidly. In Honolulu in 1957 a full house listened to a concert 22 hours after the delivery of the dome's parts. Buckminster Fuller make a remarkable contribution to architecture, but he needed energy to do it.
What could you achieve with more energy?
Here are 12 energy renewers to help you achieve more in life:
Your physical health rechargers:
1. Eat and drink for optimum health. Be sure to eat well-balanced meals. Drink lots of water because dehydration can exhaust your body of its store of energy. If you're carrying extra weight this too can cause exhaustion. Take advantage of nutritional supplements since there are many key nutrients that may not be in the food you eat.
2. Spend time outdoors and improve your indoor light. Walk to a local park or lovely recreational area on a regular basis.Open the curtains and let in the sunshine. Purchase artificial lighting that mimics the spectrum of the sun.
3. Seek help when you experience medical problems. A number of medical conditions cause tiredness. Adrenal exhaustion caused by stress, low thyroid function, anemia and hormonal inbalances are some conditons that can cause exhaustion.
4. Get enough sleep. Be sure to get your proper amount of sleep. Experiment to see how much you need and then stick to it so you don't sabotage your energy by depriving yourself of needed sleep.
5. Exercise and practice proper breathing. Try to exercise at least three times a week. Don't forget that proper breathing is essential to your health too. Try breathing deeply instead of shallowly. At times for relaxation take deep breaths through your nose and then exhale through your mouth. Do this slowly and deeply. This can be very relaxing and energizing at the same time. It's a great stress reducer!
Your mental and emotional renewers:
1. Say goodbye to worry. Worry never helped anyone. It just drains away needed energy. Captain J A Hadfield got it right when he stated: "This art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of energy in our great men."
2. Choose inspiring people for friends. Your friends will either lift you up or drag you down, so choose them wisely.
3. Check your emotional health. Focus on others and learn to develop a positive attitude toward life. Being wrapped up in yourself is very limiting.
4. Work wisely. Work hard at your job or at your self-employment, but don't neglect your family or your need for recreation.
5. Don't waste your energy. Beware of energy-wasters like holding grudges, resentment and unforgiveness. Attitudes like these hurt you and contribute nothing worthwhile to your life. Weed those out for energy conservation.
6. Dream big dreams. Do you have a dream? Having one can help you to be more energetic. There's just something about having a goal that is energizing!
7. Rise above your own strength. The Bible is full of many promises to those who recognize their need. Here's one: Isaiah 40:31 - "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
What's holding you back from increasing your energy? Try these energy-rechargers and win!
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