Failure to practice simple everyday magick can cause complacency or even depression. Read this article to discover how I learned this lesson.
In a much better frame of mind I got up for the second time and raced downstairs so I could get started. At first the kitchen was quiet and my fingers flew across the keyboard never missing a beat, but a few moments later the piercing screams of my youngest tore through the kitchen. And as those screams rose in pitch my beautiful flow began to stagnate. This is not an uncommon scenario since my daughter has begun to teethe. I was prepared to take it in stride. I started the coffee and promised myself that I would do my ritual to call my Muse shortly after breakfast.
Breakfast came and went in a blur, as it tends to do in a busy family, and I found myself rushing around to complete the house straightening before my wife and I went out. Things were moving so fast that I forgot to pack a map or a GPS. Because the day was getting on and I was anxious to have some sort of adventure I refused my wife's kind offer to return to the house to retrieve them. Though this choice definitely saved time it also pretty much condemned us to going somewhere we were familiar with. My wife and I tend to end up in places that we never intended to be when we don't have a failsafe. There was even one time that we actually managed to miss Stonehenge!
My wife decided a trip into Portchester and a walk along the beach near the castle would be the best solution to the situation. I grudgingly agreed because quite honestly I didn't have any better ideas at the moment. The sea was beautiful as always, but nothing exciting caught my eye. Even the people and animals seemed to be drab and lifeless. I walked beside my wife attempting to be light hearted because I didn't wish to ruin our time out together for her, but my heart was beginning to feel heavy and downcast.
I carried on in this state for most of the walk, wondering why I felt this way. This sullen self that I was dealing with was nothing like my normal self. Finally, just prior to reaching the car it dawned on me. I hadn't performed my Muse ritual before leaving.
My Muse ritual is currently nothing more than a rhyming chant I created to ask the Universe for assistance in seeing the magick in everything so I can share it with others. I found by making this request each morning I become more sensitive to what's around me and better at expressing it in writing. I believe this is simply because the Universe waits quietly to intervene until it's asked. My dull mood was a product of getting caught up in events and forgetting to connect with the Universe. The lesson was clear and simple, "If you forget your magick you lose your muse."
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