Choose what you desire, expect that what you want is headed toward you and always practice gratitude. And in that you will have focus and gratitude toward the things you want.
We all sat staring at her in awe – knowing what was going to come out of her mouth and yet somehow not quite believing it. She was describing what she wanted to vision that evening and part of her vision was a car. She was hesitating at stating out loud that she wanted to own a “new” car and we were pushing her to state the reason why. We weren’t going to let her off the hook.
Finally, she said the words “I can’t afford it.” We all gasped and began to take the actions to cancel those words (for those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s something like a massive hand flapping). We then all had a good laugh at how deeply rooted our limiting beliefs can be, how controlled we are by what we see and hear in the world around us, and how powerless we feel at times to focus our beliefs on the truth – that life is full of limitless abundance for us all.
We were in the middle of one of the Manifesting Made Easy workshop sessions. This same woman had created two clients, a relationship with a man who more than met her ideal partner qualities, and was creating brilliant work. She had paid off some longstanding debts and is a very positive and focused woman who manifests with great ease.
Another woman got a raise without asking her employer for it. She’s since gone on to finalize her own workshop brochure and is making steady progress on creating a powerful healing CD.
Another man had asked for support on moving his photo project forward. Once he accepted his creative talents as a photographer, he brilliantly framed 23 photos that are amazing and produced a book of his work.
Another woman visioned the new car that she had chosen, and several days later her ex-husband called to tell her he was going to buy her one (no ulterior motives attached).
So, let’s go back to the beginning of this section and the beliefs that may be limiting us from experiencing success in our lives. How can you start creating more of what you want in life so that you can experience true joy and freedom?
Here are some practical tips that will get you started on the creative process:
1. CHOOSE what you desire. Write out your choices. Make a list of things you want to be, have, and do. Give your mind and your spirit a reason to move out of the comfort zone that’s kept you trapped and into the vision of the life you are choosing to create.
2. EXPECT that what you want is on its way to you. Allow yourself to FEEL the joy of getting what you desire.
3. In your mind, create a VISION of what you desire for your life. Spend time each day focusing on your vision, taking in all the details, using all of your senses, until you can recall your vision with only a little effort of thought. Create a Vision Map that has all the ingredients of your ideal life and hang it where you can see it every day. Write out the story of your ideal day, being as specific and detailed as possible. Feel the emotions of joy and love for what you vision and choose.
4. Practice GRATITUDE for all that you have and all that you know is already on its way to you. When you don’t particularly like what is happening in your life, practice gratitude. There’s a blessing for you somewhere that you just can’t see in the moment. When you’re full of doubt or fear, practice gratitude. You can’t have two opposing feelings at the same time and whatever you give more attention to will expand. Choose gratitude.
5. Keep your FOCUS on what you have chosen, your vision, and know that “it is done”. Have faith that only that which is good, loving, plentiful, joyful, exciting, prosperous, and fulfilling is yours.
Claim your life of abundance and it will be yours.
YOU deserve it!!!
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