Have you ever wished you had a magic wand that you could wave and make your problems disappear? Here is a simple way to transform your life. If your mind is thinking "what if" this happens, 98% of the time "what if" will never happen. The Creative Process is based on scientific facts and the Laws of Nature. Follow the steps outlined to bring thoughts into form.
Have you ever wished you had a magic wand that you could wave and make your problems disappear? Well you can by bringing your thoughts from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind.
This is the Creative Process of bringing subjective thoughts (ideas) to objective mind (results).
Life sometimes has challenges such as not enough paycheck at the end of the month, or meeting that special someone (or maybe just a date!), or finding a career that is fun, or dealing with co-workers or neighbors.
Believe it or not, you DO have the answers. The answer is to focus on the RESULTS and not the problem. If you focus on what you DO NOT want in a relationship, then that is all you will create. If you focus on bills and the lack of money, then your thinking will continue the cycle of debt. If you think about how people annoy you with constant complaining, then change yourself and stop complaining about your life.
There is nothing new here. But as humans, we tend to forget and need to be slapped in the head and reminded from time to time. To change the world around us, we must be willing to change our self first.
So what does that right relationship look like? What are the qualities you want in that person?You can apply this Creative Process to any challenge you have. It only takes ten to twenty minutes a day to visualize and create a new reality. Now, sit quietly and clear your mind. Close your eyes and picture yourself with that special person. What are you wearing as you visualize this person? Where are you and what is the weather like - is it hot or cold? Is it a sunny or a cloudy day? As you create your picture utilize all your senses - smell, touch, taste and auditory. Continue breathing and relaxing, smile to yourself and really get your emotions charged to really feel and sense this picture.
Next, create a positive affirmation for yourself. For example, "I am in a happy loving relationship that fills more than my needs". Say this affirmation to your self ten times a day. Also, start a journal and write all the positive things about the relationship. Write this in present tense. For example, "Today we went dancing and afterwards we walked on the beach". Write five or ten sentences each night in your journal before you go to bed.
For the next 21-days read and speak aloud your affirmation. Do this for 21-days, saying your affirmation at least ten times a day. Write in your journal all the happy, loving, romantic and wonderful things that happened. Create in your mind that relationship that you want.
If you are starting to moan and complain about having to do some work, then ignore it. Our minds want to keep us safe. That is why we have all this chatter in our head. Our minds do not want us to get hurt again or have us be disappointed when nothing happens. Or even worse, what happen if we get into a relationship? If your mind is thinking "what if" this happens, then you are not living in the present or the now. What happens in the future is unknown and what the mind creates 98% of the time will never happen. And if the mind is thinking about the past, then that has already happened and it is old news and has no relevance on today. Live in the now and in the present moment.
Your goal is to create Water into Gold or to create thought into form. The Creative Process is based on scientific facts and the Laws of Nature. I would suggest you do this process yourself and NOT to share it with anyone else. Your mind wants to keep you safe and your friends will also try to keep you safe - why else would they be in you life. The Creative Process is about bringing thoughts from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind and to transform thought into form.
Yes, you can have a great, loving relationship. Yes, you can have abundance and prosperity in your life. Yes, you can have happy positive relationships with co-workers and neighbors. When you apply the Creative Process you must remember that you can only change yourself - not other people. People may stay the same, but we can choose how we relate to them and we can choose not to be bothered by their outer appearances of how they view the world.
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