How to Stop Drinking Secrets

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How to stop drinking without AA, rehab, or without ever leaving the privacy of your home!


Up until recently,How to Stop Drinking Secrets Articles recovering from alcoholism has been more or less limited to the following two choices:

1. Alcoholics Anonymous

2. Traditional Rehabilitation

However, you can learn how to stop drinking without AA or rehab! That’s right! You can end your alcohol addiction on your own without ever leaving the privacy of your home. But before I reveal the secrets of how to stop drinking, let’s talk about the counterproductive components of the above-mentioned mainstream options. Traditional treatment programs are usually comprised of either (CBT) cognitive behavioral therapy and/or the Twelve-Step Program. In fact, 95% of the mainstream rehab programs combine AA’s 12-step approach with (CBT). Therefore, I am going to focus mainly on the Twelve-Step Program, although I would like to briefly describe (CBT) first. Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the assumption that most emotional and behavioral reactions are learned. Therefore, the goal of therapy is to help clients unlearn their unwanted reactions and to learn a new way of reacting. Moreover, the principles of (CBT) embrace stoicism and teach the recipient to passively disconnect from adversity. Now, if you understand addictive behavior as I have come to in my coaching practice over the past 5 years, you would realize that it is an emotional, self-esteem related issue. These emotional issues are often propagated by patterns of family dysfunction such as control, part-time parenting, verbal abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. Therefore, to disconnect from it and sweep it under the rug only serves to perpetuate the situation. Plain and simple, if you are abusing alcohol in a destructive manor, you are doing so to alleviate your emotional pain – period! Now, the mainstream will tell you that alcoholism is a disease, and they will show you hundreds of CT scans demonstrating the altering effects of substances on the human brain. But all that proves is that substances do alter the chemical composition of the brain on a temporary basis. However, so do other innocuous substances such as sugar, salt and even activities like exercise. Furthermore, the after effect of these chemicals is not the direct fundamental cause of alcoholism or any other addiction for that matter!

Alcoholics Anonymous often boasts and 80% success rate, but that claim is at best disingenuous and at least a bold face lie. There are several studies that have all arrived at a similar conclusion, which is that the success rate of AA is between 4-7 percent. In my opinion, the biggest counterproductive step in the 12-step approach is the theory of powerlessness. Let’s flash back for a moment. Remember, that at its core, addiction is for all intent and purposes a self-esteem issue, right? So, if you tell someone that they are powerless, how in Lord’s name will they ever be able to restore their self-esteem? The answer is; they can’t!

Ok! So, to stop drinking alcohol on your own, you must liberate yourself from the direct fundamental cause. And, that cause is the underlying emotional pain caused by family dysfunction. You must also learn how to empower yourself, rebuild your self-esteem, and re-discover your identity. Below you will find the 5-Steps to Addiction Freedom. These are the exact steps I have utilized successfully in my coaching practice over the past 5 years. Follow them to the letter and you will learn how to stop drinking on your own.

  1. Unearth the Square Root
  2. Remove emotional Baggage
  3. Cure Wounditis
  4. Awaken the Power within
  5. Practice acts of Random Kindness


David Roppo

The Addiction Freedom Coach

If you’d like an exact outline of the 5 Steps to Addiction Freedom subscribe to my free E-guide below…

how to stop drinking without aa

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