Jumpstart 2008: 5 Intuitive Steps to Making this Year the Best Ever
"Some of the many advantages of facilitating your intuition are that the more you hone-in on your Divine self, and the more you commit yourself to daily meditation; chances are that you will be more driven, more goal-oriented, and better prepared for transforming your life into a productive, purpose-filled one."
Some of the many advantages of facilitating your intuition are that the more you hone-in on your Divine self,
and the more you commit yourself to daily meditation; chances are that you will be more driven, more goal-oriented, and better prepared for transforming your life into a productive, purpose-filled one.
Following are five intuitive steps to turn your life around for a fresh start to the New Year:
- Practice what you preach. How often have you heard someone mention these words? More often than not, we speak a lot of hype but don't follow our instincts to manifest what we want. When we truly believe that we need to change direction in life, our intuition is trying to tell us to do; but unfortunately, we fall to the wayside because it takes too much effort on our part. YES, you CAN change direction. How? Practice what you preach and the rest will fall into line. When your intuition tells you to pursue an interest, listen to it and take necessary actions to proceed. As long as it's a positive move, you can't go wrong.
- Listen to your "Higher Consciousness." We've all been in a situation where our higher consciousness, or sixth sense have kicked in, and for no good reason have disregarded these important inclinations. Many times, our sixth sense (divine intuition) is trying to guide us in the correct path or action. When you receive this inner guidance, it is essential that you listen to it. When we are in a predicament, our intuition goes into overdrive because it truly wants to find resolutions for us. Stop. Listen. Learn; which brings me to your next step:
- Learn from your intuition. When we have actually taken heart to what our expert intuition is telling us, we generally make positive choices that lead us to manifesting what we desire. But, and yes - there is a "but," we might modify our behavior for the time being, but fall back into the same old routine. When we commit ourselves to our intuitive counsel, we can pursue our interests and realize our dreams; which takes us to the next step:
- Modify your behavior. It takes effort and dedication to modify our behavior to a more positive one. When we realize that we must work towards transformation, we have to be serious about it. How? We begin with small behavioral modifications. If we want to improve our sleep and health, stop smoking, lose weight or acquire a better job, we need to take steps necessary to fulfilling our goals. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, and behavior modification does take time and initiative. For example, if health is an issue, we need to focus on nutrition, exercise and mentality. How do you live each day? Do you stay up late? Do you eat healthy? Do you think negative thoughts? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you know you must begin by transforming your thought patterns. Intuitively, you know that you are ultimately responsible for your body constitution - but that begins with making a proactive choice to take the reigns and begin by making small modifications. First, stop staying up so late - it's not good for your mind, body or spirit. Rest is essential. When our minds are rested, we can work more effectively in a productive mental state. Eliminate small behavioral patterns and refocus on more positive actions. This is the foundation to manifest your life's dreams...one step at a time.
- Realize your worth. Finally, we come to the last step in recreating our lives in the New Year. When we truly realize our potential, and know that we ARE capable of achieving great things in life, you might be surprised at the results. Too many times, we beat ourselves up for past mistakes and dwell on those failures; which ultimately prevent us from moving forward. I'm here to tell you that it's time to REALIZE YOUR WORTH. Though our intuition plays a vital role in manifesting goals and aspirations, we must understand that our worth is only set by the limits that we place upon ourselves. Instinctively, you know that you are a unique and valuable part of this diverse society. You know that you can make a difference in others' lives, as well as in your own life. Start believing in yourself by letting your spirit soar to new heights. You know you can do it. You can make this New Year the best ever by allowing your intuition to be your guide; and see how truly amazing you will be!
Until we speak again, I am
Joan Marie, Your Intuition Expert
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Jumpstart 2008: 5 Intuitive Steps to Making this Year the Best Ever
By Joan Marie Whelan
About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Methodwith solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her much anticipated first book, “Self- Discovery: The Nine Principles to Reveal Your Sacred Gifts" will be published later this year. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to: www.joanmariewhelan.com