Is this a Secret? Yes, but only to those who have not heard about the omnipotent Universal Laws. The Law of Attraction is one of those immutable laws, which has existed long before man put thought onto the walls of caves. Throughout history the teachings of the great masters Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Confucius were about how to use this illustrious secret of the Universe. If this is true why aren't the laws of the Universe taught in church?
In the Bible it says, "It is through thinking that man forms that which he has in life". (Proverbs 23:7)
Is this a Secret? Yes, but only to those who have not heard about the omnipotent Universal Laws. The Law of Attraction is one of those immutable laws, which has existed long before man put thought onto the walls of caves. Throughout history the teachings of the great masters Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Confucius were about how to use this illustrious secret of the Universe. Their teachings were simple and clear and consisting of several spiritualistic exercises; one being the practice of the Law of Attraction.
Beyond being the great masters of Thought, these teachers envisioned spiritual, orderly, enlightened societies. Sustained only by their internal computers (their minds) they used thought plus visualization, as they set out to create Utopia on Earth. According to myths, the hierarchy had an ulterior motive and they plotted to destroy the formula of Thought + Desire + Emotion + Belief + Visualization + Expectancy = Manifestation.
After years of the Law of Attraction being commandeered by authoritarians, the secret has finally been liberated.
Imagine, if you will, a beautiful exotic bird escaping from his gilded cage, flying high and unimpeded; so is the realigning of the human experience with spiritual law. Hereafter, man will have no need to seek another's approval to achieve his dreams, desires, or goals, for it will be designed from within his soul.
So, the Law of Attraction: that which you think about, you bring about: Love, Fear, Success, Health or Wealth.
1. Law: A rule, agreement, or authority. A body of principles held to express universal knowledge, especially as revealed in the ancient religious text.
2. Attraction: The act of or power to attract. A person or thing that draws, attracts, entices, or is magnetic: A gravitational force exerted by one body on another.
How long does it take to master this law?
It is not the mastering of the law that makes it work, it is the acknowledgment that it is working all the time, and all you have to do is tap into the flow.
If this is true why aren't the laws of the Universe taught in church?
Some churches, religious and spiritual centers do teach the Universal laws, you will have to listen closely because there are certain words that have the same meaning but are spelled differently i.e., Lord/Law.
Can I use this law to overcome an existing medical condition?
Always consult with a medical professional before you decide to use an alternative method. But always think positive healthy thoughts about any situation.
Law of Attraction - Getting to Know the Universe
Does feeling good have anything to do with receiving your desire? Yes. The more excited you are about your desire and the better you feel about yourself, the higher the vibrational energy that is emitted, connecting you directly to the universe.Law of Attraction - The Secret of Visualization
I realize there are many people, you may be one of them, who say they can't visualize. They feel anxious if they're asked to visualize. "I can't visualize..." they cry desperately. "I just can't see or imagine things..." I understand. I was like that too. I just didn't understand what visualization is all about. The truth is, everyone can visualize. You want the proof?Law of Attraction - The Secret of Visualization to Be a Millionaire
Visualization is an essential tool for attracting your dreams and desires. To manifest in your outer life, your dreams must first manifest inside your mind. Visualization is a detailed, sensory mental motion-picture of God's ideas working in you. One common problem people encounter during visualization, “If I am not rich and successful now, how can I lie to myself and imagine that I am rich and successful?” It's easy to solve this problem :)