Psychologists say that the innate ability we have compared to the ability we utilize is 2-5%. Why don’t we utilize our abilities? I’ve found that most people quit looking for work the day they find a job!
In a bleak remote South Texas there was a town called Beaumont in the 1900s.
A poverty stricken man is left pondering his future on a seemingly barren piece of land. Stricken with the urgency of his present condition, jarred by contention of a bleak future at hand, he is penniless as a beggar on meager shanty in the slums. His self awareness of his personal worth was within the very limits. He didn’t have the necessary life training skills on hand to utilize.
Though it seemed his luck was not destined to change, he was ominously approached by a lucrative offer by some oil drillers bearing a semblance of invigorated enthusiasms on the proposition of drilling on his land.
He looked out across his pastures. He saw nothing but trash, trouble and tumbleweeds. They saw an opportunity. They believed that deep inside the earth underneath the surface turmoil was a treasure. He was rather uneasy.
The prospect of having an ugly piece of property with a huge hole in it is rather revolting to say the least, what’s worst is a huge mud pit! But the truth dawned on him he was flat broke and any venture that may not yield guaranteed gains is a risk he was not willing to take.
They continued to beckon him to allow them to drill on his land, again and again. None of the surrounding property owners would take a chance but, they were sure that his land was valuable. Finally he relented and drilling commenced, but as weeks went by nothing happened. Deeper and deeper they went with this strange new rotary drilling system.
An Austrian-born mining engineer named Anthony Lucas, was supervising the drilling of the oil well since October 27, 1900.
A minor setback delayed them due to the necessity of installing a new drilling bit for the rig. It was now January 10, 1901. The drilling crew began lowering the new bit to the bottom of the hole. They ran for about 700 feet of drill pipe into the 1,000-foot hole. Out of nowhere the well suddenly starts spewing the drilling mud back out.
Thrilled with the sudden turn of events the crew scurried out with excitement to see what in the world was happening. Alas, it was a false alarm! They all returned back to their posts and started cleaning but once again with no warning the mud erupts. A geyser of oil gushed upward 200 feet above the 60-foot-high oil derrick.
It was so overpowering that the spouting oil blew the entire drill pipe out of the hole. It began to flow over 80,000 barrels of oil a day. Suitable for the well was “Spindletop.” What was truly amazing is the fact that before Spindletop the biggest oil producer was only flowing a meager 50 barrels per day. Hence this pioneered the modern petroleum into a multi-billion industry.
Here’s something to ponder, did our subject go from wretched poverty to a rich oil tycoon overnight? Absolutely not! He has always been rich! He was living on top of an asset that needed to be tapped in! Metaphorically speaking while he was waiting for an orchid he was overlooking a rose. Just like in the famous speech “Acres of Diamonds” his wealth lay in what he already had! I believe that is true for most of us we strive for the gratification of instant but short term results. This is the pre-existing mentality now a days, fast food and what not? We want instant satisfaction instead of working hard for it. Sometimes it’s best to slow down and take time to contemplate on the assets we currently have and invest on developing them further.
To use as a Biblical reference let me jog your memory for a bit to the time when Moses saw a burning bush not being consumed, he approached it with immense interest. God spoke to Moses out of the bush and beckoned him to deliver Israel out of bondage. Moses, like most people, began to buckle in amidst the cumbersome burden that is pressing on him, stressing how inadequate he was. He irked on and on about his self doubt. He was quite reluctant to speak! Finally, God said, “Moses, what’s that in thine hand?”
To cut to the chase, Moses had a rod in his hand. It was the very same rod that turned into a serpent before the Pharaoh and parted the Red Sea. It was with the rod that the rock was smitten and water for the people came out. All God expected from Moses to utilize what was in his hand. And I believe that is all he expects out of each of us. Use what we have our God-given gifts, talents and abilities. The law of “use” is a powerful principle on our personal mission to the realization of our personal worth.
To simply put it “Use It or Lose It!”
Psychologists say that the innate ability we have compared to the ability we utilize is 2-5%. Why don’t we utilize our abilities? I’ve found that most people quit looking for work the day they find a job!
Against morale absolution given the circumstances I would definitely go crazy sitting around doing nothing. You see, the nuisance of doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished. So instead of lounging around all day! Do SOMETHING useful! Get busy! USE WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL YOU GET WHAT YOU WANTED!
You have the power to change your life by utilizing the abilities and innate talents God has bestowed upon you. All you need to do is grab the opportunity once it presents itself, act on it to create the future you desire. It is the mentality and the willpower to get started and convince yourself to “utilize” what you have. This can be the life training skills that you have accumulated through skill building with a mentor to the personal development of your self worth and to accomplish your personal mission in life.
The law of “use” - YOU... CHOOSE ... to USE IT … or LOSE IT!
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