Do you suffer from personal Identity Theft? Do you feel like an imposter in your own shoes?
Identity theft has become a well known topic of concern in later part of this decade, and I might add with good reason. But, I’d like to talk about a different kind of identity theft – one that has absolutely nothing to do with social security numbers or credit scores. The type of identity theft I’m referring to is personal identity, which is more widely known as the imposter syndrome. This type of identity theft is quite common in addiction. As a matter of fact, I believe it’s a core component in every form of addiction. Being subjected to patterns of family dysfunction is completely suffocating in every sense of the word, and it often robs individuals of their personal identity and power. In fact, many of the clients I coach literally feel like imposters in their own shoes. They often lack true meaning and purpose in their lives and, at times, even feel completely lost. This scenario is usually compounded by the duality of a successful work-life and a failed personal life. Surprisingly, ninety percent of the time, career success is not an issue at all. Therefore, identity and personal power issues are not external problems that require more education or social interaction, and nor can they be corrected by behavioral modification. Personal identity can only be rediscovered by connecting to your higher consciousness because that is where your true self resides. Only by embarking on a path of self-reflection that will mine deep into the soul, will you find the answers you seek. However, to find them, you must ask the right questions;
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What can I learn from my addiction?
How can I grow from it?
The answers to these questions can be found in an uncharted place that’s just waiting to be explored! It’s called your true self! But, to make that connection, you’re going to have to leave your comfort zone and boldly go where you’ve never gone before! However, traipsing around in the unknown is a frightening prospect for most. And, that fear of change is the hurdle you must leap to accomplish your goal! You really do “have nothing to fear but fear itself!” And, if you have the courage to plow through the fear blockade, what you’ll find is more wonderful than you can imagine! You see, the real you doesn’t consist of skin, hair or bones. The real you is your higher consciousness or your soul. Your body is merely a wrapper or a package that’s on loan! Think about it, isn’t everything on loan. Name one thing that can’t be changed, destroyed, or whisked away in the blink of an eye? You can’t, can you? Everything of a tangible nature is subject to change. The only thing that is impervious to change is your true self. Therefore, the only way to empower yourself and bring peace and happiness to your life is by making contact with your higher consciousness. This is accomplished through the daily practice of meditation.
For more information on how to overcome your addiction and how to meditate subscribe to my Free E-guides below……
David Roppo
The Adiction Freedom Coach
overcoming addiction
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