Is your time spent doing things that move you closer to achieving your goals? Or are you spending much of your time doing things that keep you right where you already or or even back a few steps? Learn how to recognize the difference. Your internal guidance system, your Inner Wizard, will tell you and guide you forward. Learn how to spend more of your time getting more of what you want and less of your time getting more of what you don't want.
Copyright (c) 2009 Valery Satterwhite
In these hectic days, people are busy, busy, BUSY! Are you one of those people? You may be busy doing the things that move you closer to your goals. Or, are you busy and not getting ahead? There are two kinds of busy - Forward busy and Away busy. Which are you?
One is a day filled with activities that move you forward in life and the other is keeping busy primarily to avoid having to be alone with our thoughts.
One is a day lead by your Inner Wizard, the other is a day ruled by your Inner Critic.
People to see, places to go, things to do. You have meetings to attend, phone calls to make, appointments to keep, deadlines to make and family and friends to love and spend time with. No time to pause and reflect. No time, no time, NO TIME!!!
And in those moments when you do have some time, some of you spend that time looking for yet another thing to do because you are afraid of stopping. Why?
When you have no choice but to stop, you're forced to think. Oh, no. Mustn't let that happen. Must not think! Oh no. There's no time for self-examination (says your Inner Critic). After all, when you think about where it is and where you are, it may not be a great thing.
You can't keep running away forever. Sooner or later you're forced to look at your self. What did all of those years of not being true to YOU, deceiving YOUR and hiding from others get you?
Nothing. Nada. Zilch. You're still stuck right where you've always been, in your current comfort zone. You may not like your current comfort zone but it's "the devil you know" so you'll stay right there. "Gee", says your Inner Critic, "things could be worse!"
If you think that you may be "running away busy" it's time to stop, take a moment and reflect. Who's running the show? OMG it's the Inner Critic! The sooner you stop running from your real self, your Inner Wizard, and address your real issues, the less tired you will become.
Inner Wizard guided forward momentum flows 'with the stream'. Inner Critic lead away momentum pushes 'against the stream'. When you are flowing with the stream of life movement is easier, you have more energy and you'll see new possibilities - new opportunities that you wouldn't have seen traveling in the other direction.
So, how does one stop and take a moment to reflect - really?
I highly recommend journaling. Inner Wizard members who journal regularly have experienced profound insights into themselves, their behaviors and perceptions through the process of journaling. Journaling is a way of getting in touch with that part of you that you've been running away from. What people have found through writing what 'comes' to them while journaling are new ways of looking at their life and experiences to create new thought patterns that inspire actions that move them towards what they want - flowing with the stream - instead of away from.
Keeping a diary or journal is a powerful tool to explore the thoughts and feelings that surround the event's of your life. Journaling allows people reconnect with their Inner Wizard to clarify their thoughts and feelings, and gain self-awareness. It's also a good problem-solving tool. It is often easier to work through a problem and come up with solutions on paper.
"The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you, and you don't know how or why." - Albert Einstein
In the journaling process you can ask yourself questions such as:
- What am I afraid of?
- What would I say to my mother if I could tell her the truth?
- My Father?
- My significant other?
- My boss?
- Myself?
Through journaling you embark on an internal adventure to discover your fears, hopes, dreams, goals, and values. Tap into the power of your internal guidance system, your Inner Wizard - your authentic self. Your joy in life is in your ability to freely express your authentic selves. Let your Inner Wizard be your Guide.
Self-Doubt Critic Folly
Inner Critic folly is those unquestioned and erroneous limiting beliefs you have about yourself that place limitations on your abilities. They may be conscious or unconscious. In other words, you often hold these assumptions you've made about yourself (and what is possible for you) far below the level of your everyday awareness. You are often unconscious to the fact that these beliefs are what guide your decisions and motivations.Relationships: A Mirrored Reflection of You
You have a lot of personal and professional relationships in life. Some relationships are loving, satisfying, uplifting, supportive and enrich your life experience. Other relationships are tense, adversarial, problematic, strained, and exhausting. You don't like, or avoid, spending time with the people who drain your life energy. The funny thing is that all of your relationships, good and bad, are a reflection of you!The Intuitive Mind: Albert Einstein Quote
The intuitive mind is the Wizard Within. It is the voice of your intuition and inspiration. The rational mind is that of the Inner Critic - the voice of your self-doubt and fear. The Wizard Within makes choices and takes action based on gut instinct and creative inspiration. The Inner Critic makes choices and takes action based on fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of humiliation, and fear of change.