Having a direction is a vital part of being a conscious adult and in any personal development journey. Moving from an unconscious existence to conscious life requires - among others - passion, direction, and goals. This ingredient is a major feature in the life of every great leader. Develop it with information and practical advice in this article.
Introduction: Are you truly alive?
Do you merely exist, or are you truly alive? Are you unconsciously going through the motions of a live person, or are you consciously being alive?
Having a direction is a vital part of being a conscious adult, and has to be considered in any personal development journey. Moving from an unconscious existence to conscious living requires - among others - passion, direction, and goals. As a nice side effect, it’ll tremendously boost your attractiveness to the opposite sex.
These ingredients are a major feature in the life of every great leader. They all have ambitions and passions. But, you might think, doesn’t everyone have them?
Most people don’t. What they do have are vague dreams – vaguely wanting to travel, wanting a big house, wanting to work at something they love, a perfect relationship, a great body, whatever it is. These wishes are universal. But it isn’t a direction if you don’t follow it – neither is it a passion if you don’t live it.
Don’t let your fears stop you
So what is the difference between having a vague dream and a direction? Fear.
I cannot overstate how important this is. It has many manifestations, but all goes back to the root: Fear. Too many people bog themselves down with their fears, which can show up as procrastination or laziness.
They fear losing the security of their current job, even if it makes them miserable. They are afraid of losing the approval and support of their parents, partner, or friends. They are afraid of hard work. Or they’ll “get around to it when the time is right.”
This is a common saying, so common that it loses its importance. The time is right – right now. Don’t put it off. Follow this saying!
There are too many people complaining to me about how miserable their job is. How unhappy their partners make them. How abusive their partners are. How lonely they are. And yet they don’t do anything about it. They spend more time complaining about it then fixing it. They talk about wanting a better job, and then spend their free time watching TV or having coffee with their friends.
Find your direction now!
Find out what your passion is. Ask yourself; what makes you happy? What makes your heart sing? What makes you laugh? What makes time fly by in the blink of an eye? It’s fine not to have this, if you’re young. Many people in their early and mid twenties haven’t developed a burning passion yet. Napoleon Hill, author of the original millionaire’s bible, Think and Grow Rich, states that most people develop this after the age of forty. But if you’re reading this, you’re not “most people”, are you?
Write it all down. Make a list of what you would do if there were no constraints. No parents, no partner, unlimited time and resources. Is it starting a band? Learning a new sport?
Then follow it. What? You can’t? Why not?
Next: Conquer your fears with Part Two, also found on the Urban Monk site. You’re on your way to mastery!
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