... life there comes a time when there is a need tochange some aspect of ... Whether it's our ... or what we believe in - ... those parts of ourlives that no longer
Throughout life there comes a time when there is a need to
change some aspect of ourselves. Whether it's our physical
appearance or what we believe in - sometimes those parts of our
lives that no longer serve us need to go. We have to re-invent
ourselves and start from scratch.
Sometimes we have to peel away the old layers to see the new
transformed versions of ourselves. And there are times, too many
actually, where we don't want to change even though we know that
we must.
It's hard to part with our old ways - habits and belief systems
that we know we've outgrown but have become so familiar with. We
hang on to the past because we feel that if we let it go a part
of us has to go too. But that doesn't have to be the case. You
can change yourself, re-invent who you are and still keep the
memories, the knowledge of your former self.
We resist change as if by instinct. We're so stuck in our old
ways and then something changes and we end up fighting it. The
fighting, the resistance makes it harder for us to process the
changes that are inevitable. This is when we need to just go
with the flow and let it happen.
Sometimes what we fight the most is the best for us. Whether
it's trying to lose weight or studying for a better position at
your job, there comes a time where you know you have to make a
change in your life. Yet even when we are aware of the need to
change we still resist it.
In order to make the changes we need to make in our lives we have
to stop the cycle of resisting change. We start making the
positive changes in our lives then resistance creeps up and we
stop, only to start again later down the road.
You know going back to school will help further your career. You
keep putting it off and making excuses. 'I'll do it later.' 'I
need to be home for my family.' 'I don't have the time right
now.' Excuses, excuses, excuses.
What's the real reason you keep putting it off? Are you worried
about how your co-workers might react if you get promoted over
them? Are you worried about if you'll lose some of your friends
if you change too much? Are you worried about the added
responsibility of a new position?
You keep worrying about all of the 'what ifs' - things that
haven't happened yet and end up staying stuck in the same
position at your job. All the while, complaining about wanting
to move up in your career and wanting a raise.
So how do you get out of this rut, out of this cycle? You want
to change, but you're afraid to change, so you resist the change,
and you stay stuck.
You have to release your fears before you can move forward,
before you can re-invent yourself. You have to remove the blocks
laying in your path so you can have a clear view of what lies
ahead for you. Acknowledge your need to change and then honor
your past, present and future by taking a step in a new
direction. A step towards a new you.
It's The Ride That Counts
Setting goals is a crucial step towards personal and professional growth, but the journey towards achieving them is what truly shapes our experiences and satisfaction. When you articulate your goals on paper, it marks the beginning of your quest. However, the subsequent steps, the process, and the experiences along the way play a significant role in how you perceive your achievements once the goals are met.A Look In The Mirror
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