Sweep away the obstacles!
You have determination, made your decisions and laid out a plan for your success -- and you can't wait until you see and experience those results! But wait; there is something else to think about. Obstacles!
You have determination,

made your decisions and laid out a plan for your success -- and you can’t wait until you see and experience those results! But wait; there is something else to think about. Obstacles!
Obstacles, now just where did these come from? Have they always been there?! I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but yes, they have! And it's rare to accomplish anything without having to face them first.
Have you ever tried to ski or ice skate? If so, you know that falling down is a big part of learning. How do world class skiers and skaters become world class? If you said through determination, you are correct! They, just like you and I, have to start somewhere. They decided to become world class and they made plans to get there. Yet, just doing that, doesn’t bring them success. They also see obstacles get in the way, but they tackle each one and sweep them away until one day they find themselves not falling down -- well, not as much anyway! And so then, what they do when they fall down is just as important isn’t it? They get back up and keep going.
Where in your life do you allow obstacles to hold you back? Or even, where do YOU PUT obstacles in your own way? Oh I can hear you, you're saying “That makes no sense; I don’t put stuff in my own way!” Right, it doesn’t sound like something you would choose to do, but remember last week’s article where you admitted you do keep saying the same thing every New Year? That’s the exact thing I’m talking about. Last week, I asked you to look at things differently so that next year you wouldn’t be saying the same thing. This week, I’m asking you to look at where you put obstacles in your path of determination that keep you from reaching your goals.
A client kept saying she wanted to lose weight. She would create a great plan for herself and then every month she was frustrated because she still hadn’t lost a pound. Yet, she was determined and sure that once she did, her life would be ‘so awesome’! Did she clean out the food cabinets like she had planned? No. Did she get to the gym like she told herself she would? No. But her life would be so awesome if only she would! So why was she NOT doing them? Because she kept putting obstacles in the way of her own success. Once she recognized that bringing more sweets into the house and choosing the couch over the gym were creating obstacles and keeping her from having the ‘so awesome’ life she craved, she let go of the resistance, swept away all the obstacles, and finally experienced a life that was ‘so awesome’!
This week I ask you to think of the ways you hold yourself back with obstacles you put in your own way -- they could be physical, mental, or emotional -- and see where you can begin sweeping them away so that you may live a life that is ‘so awesome’, too.
I would love to hear from you. Feel free to share your comments!