Bryan Tuck is an internet entrepreneur with 15 years experience building a successful business from the comfort of his own home. Bryan Tuck 866-274-5973
Copyright (c) 2008 Bryan Tuck
This is part one of the 5 part series on the activity of Cash Gifting.
The heart and soul of the cash giving activity is incumbent upon the attitude of gratitude and helping others without expecting anything in return.
The book, "The Greatest Money Making Secret n History, by Joe Vitale, focuses on this point.
"When I gave money to Mike, I sent a message to myself and to the world that I was prosperous and in the flow. I also set up a magnetic principal that attracted money to me: As you give , so you will get....This one tip alone can transform your finances".
It is that giving from the heart that will allow you to transform from a person of scarcity to one of abundance. When you give from the mindset of abundance, you are not going to worry about not having that extra money in your pocket. Strangely enough there always seems to be enough for whatever your needs are at the time.
Have you ever given a gift of cash or property or anything you may hold of value to someone to help them through a tough time, a time of their need? How did that make you feel? I can imagine your heart grew and a feeling of peace came over you as it does mine.
Just look around, there are many others in more dire need than you at any given moment, regardless of how bad your situation may seem. You can give to those who are in desperate need, who help us with our daily lives. You can give to those people who help you personally, inspire you; love you. Give it to people without expecting them to return it, but give it knowing it will come back to you multiplied from some source.
You must take time to be grateful for whatever you may posses from your home, vehicle, spouse, children to your job you may not like, to neighbors, virtually anything you can think of. Prior to rising in the morning and retiring at night, spend a few moment in thanksgiving for the blessings yo have received that day. This small, yet significant, action will transform your heart and life.
John D. Rockefeller wrote to his son in 1942 and explained his practice of giving away money. He wrote " the beginning of getting money, away back in my childhood, I began giving it away, and continued increasing the gifts as the income increased..."
John D. Rockefeller gave away $550 million dollars in his lifetime.
Another example of giving without expecting anything in return; a married couple with, at the time 4 children, now seven, committed to tithing their 10% to their church. While on the surface it seemed impossible to take 10% from the top...before taxes....and joyfully give that, the commitment was made. As a result, money has always been there to meet the families needs over and over again. The father has been able to work from home for the last 15 years as the sole income earner.
This family is my family...a personal testimony of what can happen with the right mindset and the attitude of gratitude.
How does this apply to cash gifting? Cash gifting is an outstanding way to put this in practice. The proper attitude is not just give the monetary side of the cash gifting activity but to educate yourself enough about cash gifting and the intricacies of working from home, online and off line marketing and then be able to give that information back to those who have gifted to you in turn so they can do the same.
The world today is full of generous individuals, making a difference in peoples lives. Continue that process through your own generous means of your time, talent and treasures and help someone today.