The Law of attraction is said ot be able to get you anything you want in life and it is believed that part of the process is training your own mind to think positive thoughts and change the way you speak and things will happen for you in life just as how you want it to.
It is what you think about the most that becomes your reality. So your thoughts must encourage the outcome that you desire. Your thoughts affect your relationships, your money, and your well-being. If you think negative thoughts you will get negative outcomes. If you think positive thoughts, then your outcome will be positive. It is that simple.
I recently spoke to someone who wasn't doing well with his online sales and the first thing words that came out of his mouth was, "I don't think I am cut out for this." Guess what, he isn't cut out of this because that is what he believes and that is what was happening to him. His words framed his world.
The law of attraction is just like the law of gravity. It works all the time and there is nothing you can do to change it. If you change your thoughts to line up with the words that you speak, it will happen for you just as how you speak it.
The question is: are you making the law work for you or are you working against it? The key to examining your life and to find out if this law is working for you is to look at your situation and see if you have everything that you desire. If you don't, then you are not using this law to attract the things that you want and you are cheating yourself.
The law of attraction created the world. God spoke and it was so and the earth was created and he did it all in seven days. I know you aren't God, but he set an example for us to follow. Call those things that seem not as if they were. He is the creator of the law of attraction and he utilized it to his advantage and that his why you and I are here on this earth.
You must believe in yourself and talk to yourself if you have to. You are in control of your thoughts. No one can go into your mind and tell you what to think. God even went further to tell us to think on things that are of a good report. He already knew that we would have bad thoughts to influence our lives in a negative way. You can train your thoughts to line up to your desires and speak it and it will happen, but you have to believe that it will.
All of us have our destiny in our own hands. No one can make changes for us. There is no way to blame the universe or someone else.
The law of attraction is said to be able to bring success, motivation, self improvement, get you out of depression, give you confidence, get rid of your fears and insecurities, help you to improve yourself and your marriage, help you to lose the weight you want to and give you happiness. More information about this is available many places online as well as reputable books on the subject.
How to follow the 10 commandments of the law of attraction
The Law of Attraction operates positively only if you put it to use. This means that you can gain negativity in your life until you decide to make changes. It can be just one small change to your life that can determine a positive future. However, some people require several changes because of the extent of the negative vibes in their lives.What does the word ‘Want’ have in common with the Law of Attraction?
The mere fact that the law of attraction constitutes the need or want for something shows how important the word, “want” is to your success. However, some people don’t like to use the word “want” because it may make them seem too vulnerable.The Law of Spiritual Attraction
The creation of the earth, world or universe took place because a law was put in motion. This same law is what governs both the natural and the spiritual world that we exist in. The Law of Spiritual Attraction is not a religious fad, but it is largely an unchangeable concept that came into existence before creation.