Many people try to use the Law of Attraction to build a life that is truly worthy of them. They become frustrated at their lack of progress simply because they have gotten the order of manifestation wrong. Don't fall into the same trap. Learn that you must first Be what you want, then Do what you is necessary to achieve it, so that you can Have your desire.
Have you tried to use the Law of Attraction to create a life that is filled with your desires only to become frustrated or even angry with your lack of results? If the answer is yes then you are reading the correct article for you. Let me show you the secrets of the Law of Attraction Masters that will ensure you success.
Don't fall into the same trap that many others find themselves in. They fail to follow the rules of the Great Universal Law and therefore their attraction power is greatly diminished. The great masters of the Law of Attraction have always know that you must first Be what you want, then Do what is neccessary to achieve before you can Have what you desire.
One of the biggest problems people find when they try to use the Law of Attraction for the first time is resistance from the outside world. It would appear that no matter how hard they try the world just pushes against them and denies them their dreams. It looks as though it doesn't matter what they do for the harder they strive for what they want and push against the world the harder the world pushes back. They then fall into the trap of blaming the world for their woes or even blaming God. This is a disastrous mindset to have if you wish to successfully and consciously employ the Law of Attraction to your advantage.
Mahatma Ghandi, the great Indian leader who peacefully freed his country from British rule, told his followers, "become the change you want to see in the world." These words are just as true today as they were when this wise man walked the planet. In order to have what you want you must be willing to do what is necessary to achieve it and this can only be achieved when you become the very thing you want!
Let me explain this in a little more detail.
The Law of Attraction can bring you anything and everything you want. In fact, anything you can hold in mind can be yours if you follow the rules of this Universal Law.
Trying to change other people or change the world is the wrong approach to achieving your dreams. You must change yourself. It is through your internal vision that you attract things to you in life. Hold in mind only the things you want to have and that is all you will get. By holding onto your vision of your desires and staying firm in the belief that is is possible for you to have these things you will immediately start the process of attracting them. However, if you wish to change the world or other people you are holding in mind the very things you do not want. You are affirming to yourself that things are not OK the way they are and that the people and environment around you is a certain way ' the way you don't want it to be. The Law of Attraction immediately kicks in and you begin to attract more of those things.
By allowing the world and other people to be fine the way they are you will begin to embrace the moment and unleash your true power to create. You cannot change the world and you cannot change others but you can change yourself. This is where your true power lies. When you change yourself internally the world around you begins to change as you start to attract people, circumstances, situations and physical objects that reflect your changed beliefs, attitude, thoughts and feelings.
This is why it is vitally important to be gratiful for those things in life that you already have. You can even be grateful for where you are in life right now, no matter how bad it is, because this is the launching platform for your new improved life. Start from where you are. Wherever you find yourself in your life right now it is the best place for you. Just be satisfied to begin from where you are and you will soon get to where you want to go.
Once you have identified those things in life you wish to have, begin to think of them often. Visulaize yourself in possession of them already. This is you becoming at one with your desire. Once you can hold your desire in mind and see, feel and accept that you are in possession of it you have become your future vision. This is Being your desire. Look at children they are excellent at this. It is a natural state of mind and not as hard to achieve as you may imagine. Just allow yourself to do it. Another key is to have fun and enjoy immersing your mind in your internal vision. Enjoy it!
Be flexible enough to allow the Universe to deliver these things to you as it sees fit. However, some action is required! In the Bible we are told,"faith without works is dead", James 2:14-26. Be prepared to take some steps towards your goal. No matter how small or insignificant these steps are take at least some action everyday that will bring you closer to your desires.
You will soon find that as you take even small steps towards your desires and stay true to your inner vision the Universe will rush to meet you. Coincidences will occur and you will find opportunities are presented to you. As long as you are generating positive emotions around your internal vision the action needed by you will be pleasure and feel natural.
So remember, Be what you desire, Then Do what you have to in order to bring you closer to those desires and then you will Have everything you want!
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