The “Law of Attraction” has become the latest personal development buzzword of the new millennium. Everywhere you can find information on how to use it to attract what you want in life. However, many people fail to use it correctly as very few resources really go into the fundamentals of this great law.
Even if your new to self improvement I am sure you have heard at least something about the Law of Attraction. The Internet is saturated with information about and it is fast becoming a concept knwon by people who aren't even nterested in personal development. With all this information available you would think that everyone would be living the life of their dreams. So why aren't you?
At its very basis that Law of Attraction states: You get more of what you focus on. But what does this really mean?
On the surface it appears that when we visualise, use affirmations, or any other of the great many self improvement methods for manifesting, we can attract to ourselves all manner of physical things, situations and circumstances and even develop skills, characteristics and physical attributes. Visualization, affirmations, hypnosis and all manner of self improvement techniques and products are available to help us utilize the Law of Attraction more effectively. But many teachers are failing to teach people that in order to attain their desires they must become "at one" with their desire. The only way to do this is to become "conscious" of the thing we desire.
Let me explain.
Whatever you hold in your consciousness is manifested in your world. This is how visualization and other techniques work. They are designed to expand your consciousness so that it reflects the very thing you are seeking. When I was much younger I believed that visualization alone was enough to manifest my desires. I had read all the books, listened to the seminars and had thousands of dollars worth of self improvement tapes, CDs and equipment. I believed that if i used these for forty-five minutes a day my life would transform and my desires would appear as if by magic. Needless to say 95% of the time it didn't work!
This inability to attract what I wanted was in no way a failure on the part of the Law of Attraction, it was merely my own misunderstanding of the workings of this great Universal force. Many times when I visualized I felt in true alignment with my desire. However, throughout my day I would constantly notice that I didn't have it. For 45 minutes I was conscious of my desire but for the rest of the time my consciousness was reflecting the lack of it!
This is due entirely to our feelings! It appears that our emotions, which are guided by our memories, throw up feelings that make us think in ways that are opposite to what we want. The law says you get more of what you focus on and in my previous example I was focused on the lack. My consciousness was not "at one" with my desire it was "at one" with the lack of it and the Law of Attraction responded with clinical efficiency and brought me more lack. In fact, in many cases, it increased the lack because you always get more of what you focus on. This just created frustration. The more frustrated I felt the more negative emotions were evoked and the more I felt negative abiout my goal the more negative thoughts I had. The more I thought negatively about it the more negative circumstances entered my life.
If you aren't careful, setting a goal and pursuing it without the proper training can lead to worse circumstances than when you started!
So it is not just enough to visualize once or twice a day in order to utilize the Law of Attraction. You must change your consciousness and align it with the thing you want. In this way you will be automatically thinking in positive terms about your desire and attracting things, people and circumstances that will manifest that desire in your life – almost effortlessly.
So ok, this sounds pretty straight forward in theory but how do you do it?
Well, it starts with a shift in your focus and a bit of diligence from you. Firstly, you should use a technique like visualization, affirmations, hypnosis, meditation, binaural beats, or whatever your favourite tool is, to help you attract what you want. But the work should not finish there. You must become aware of how you are thinking about your desire during the rest of the day.
You can do this by being constantly aware of your feelings. Your feelings are reflecting back to you your consciousness. If you are thinking positively about your desire you will feel good. If you are thinking negatively you will feel bad. It really is that simple. Through watching our emotions and how we feel about things we can actually look at our thoughts and change them. By regulating our thoughts we can change our consciousness. By changing our consciousness we can restructure the very fabric of our world!
You will then begin to see things in your environment that reflect your new changing consciousness. You will begin to see people who have already attained your desire. If you want a new blue Z3 BMW car, you will begin to see a lot of them everywhere you go. In the past when this would happen to me I never saw it as the sign it is. Instead I became frustrated with the law, thinking that it wasn't working correctly – "Where was MY BMW?" I didn't want to ‘notice' other people's! As I began doing this my consciousness would slowly start to shift back into the feeling of lack and thus I would never attract the desire into my own life.
As the years passed me by I started to come into a much deeper understanding of the laws of the Universe. I understood that the Law of Attraction is constantly working not just when I was visualizing. I needed to create and MAINTAIN the feelings of having, or being "at one" with, my desire. Only then did I understand that seeing other people who had already attained that thing which I sought was a sign. The Universe was showing me that my consciousness was changing and becoming more aligned with my desire. The Law of Attraction was at work. It was attracting situations to me that reflected my desire and was actually bringing it into my life through other people. It was giving more things to focus on. The very physical Universe was changing to bring what I was imagining closer to me, first by seeing others with it but as I kept the thoughts and feelings of having it in my consciousness eventually it was me who had the desire!
So the key to getting the Law of Attraction to work all the time is to get into total alignment with your desire. You have to become "at one" with your desire. This is taking on the consciousness of the thing you seek. You do this by regulating your emotions every minute of the day. By ensuring you are always feeling good when you think about what you want you are in fact regulating your thoughts and in turn changing your own consciousness.
As you begin to notice other people who already have the very thing you want rejoice in it. Be grateful that they have already attained it. Be aware that one of the greatest laws of the Universe is working and that it's working in your favour. These are signs that you are moving in the right direction. Feel joyful when you think of your goal and imagine how great it will be when you actually have it. This way you will change your consciousness and ultimately your world.
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