What if you could banish perfectionism from your life? These 3 compassionate keys will help you unlock the trap of perfectionism, so you can excel with ease!
Time management tips are welcomed by perfectionists, who wish to bring their best to everything. But you know painfully well how perfectionism actually holds you back. It's a terrible time-waster, and is nerve-wracking, as well. So learn how to be 'better than perfect' and enjoy your life with far more success.
That isn't the only problem with overly high standards. Perfectionism lowers the quality of your life in the moment as you struggle to attain unrealistic goals. In fact, non-perfectionists might accomplish just as much with considerably less wear and tear: think of the missed meals, the troubled sleep, the way dissatisfaction with yourself interferes with your fully enjoying time with friends and family.
Although time you have sacrificed can't be restored, you can practice assertive compassion to break the vise hold of perfectionism, making gradual, daily progress. Let your heart guide you to a new level of freedom and relaxed focus.
3 Keys to Free Yourself from Perfectionism Deadlocks
Freedom Key #1: Trust Your Heart's Guidance.
Perfectionism is based on several lies, starting with its attack on your self-esteem. Underneath the drive for excellence is often an insidious self-rejection. If you believe you are not good enough, you look to a perfect product to hide behind.
By embracing your complete self, including all the shades of your humanity, you start to relax out of the compulsion to be perfect. This single shift produces profound changes. Your natural compassion and assertiveness become more dominant and you refuse to be diminished by arbitrary standards.
Freedom Key #2: Accept Heartfelt Validations And Remember Them.
Self-reference is the cornerstone of self-esteem. But if you struggle with perfectionism, try broadening your frame of reference a bit. You may obtain a more accurate overview of who you truly are from those who are not invested in you being superhuman.
Why not use your passion for excellence to support yourself rather than attacking yourself? Keep thorough records of others' praise, positive feedback and notes of thanks. Whenever you doubt your capacities, draw on this trove of others' experiences of you. Add your own self-validation to the collection! Each affirmation challenges the emotional scarcity mentality you currently live in. As you absorb this appreciation, notice how your approach to work subtly changes.
Freedom Key #3: Let Go Joyfully.
Your heart is your sole source of inner abundance. So tap this power-house of compassionate wisdom to overcome feelings of "not enough". Envision what you make or produce as a gift being given. Offer your project with good will and good wishes - and notice how different that feels from the anxiety and distress that permeates perfectionism.
These three keys require courage to use, initially. You must face that you have forfeited your power to a part of yourself that hurts you. But once you own this insidious pattern, and compassionately resolve to give yourself something better, change will occur!
Few challenges are more rewarding than engaging in assertive compassion on your own behalf. It will brighten your day and ground you more fully in the present. And your productivity will increase, as well. So overcoming perfectionism is a fight worth fighting!
Now, what can you do to proactively protect your time from unfair demands today?
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