Do you suffer from Identity Theft? Are you an imposter in your own shoes? Discover how to unlock the secrets of your true life purpose.
You know, I was searching the web the other day and I ran across an article by a well known self-help guru. The article was titled “How to uncover your True Life Purpose in 20 Minutes!” And I thought to myself, I just have to read this! So as I began reading, I was instructed to get out a pen and piece of paper! Next, I was directed to clear my mind of all thought, and then to proceed by writing down whatever popped into my head. The author went on to claim that your true life purpose will be revealed by the written idea that makes you cry! Now, at that point of the juncture, I immediately became disenchanted and shook my head in total disbelief that someone could even write such misguided information! I wouldn’t dispute the fact that a few tears would flow as a result of the abovementioned exercise. However, that emotional outburst would be delivered by the shear frustration of writing page after page of ideas that have absolutely nothing to do with your true purpose!
Think about this! Many people search their entire lifetime for their soul mate, but they never find them, do they? Perhaps that’s because they’re armed with the wrong tools, and their searching in the wrong place. You see, it’s impossible to use external analytics to find your soul mate. And trying to find your true life purpose by using the same method is equivalent to trying to find your soul mate without your soul! Your true life purpose is etched in your soul, and the only way to unlock it is by connecting to your higher consciousness. However, most people fail to accomplish that because they don’t understand how to remove the blocks that are preventing that contact. These blocks are often caused by fears and insecurities that stem from various patterns of family dysfunction such as control, abuse, abandonment and alcoholism. These patterns often undermine self-esteem and rob many people of their personal power, which renders it all but impossible to connect to a higher level of consciousness. As an example, Sue wants to attract her soul mate. When asked to describe the qualities of her ultimate mate she offers the following:
That all sounds great, doesn’t it? But, the chances of Sue achieving success on her soul mate quest are slim to none. Here’s why; Sue had been subjected to verbal abuse and abandonment as a child, which ultimately crushed her self-esteem and personal power. As a result, she has lived most of her life with issues of trust and a fear of abandonment. These self-limiting beliefs are buried deep in the subconscious mind and are very powerful when it comes to universal manifestation. In essence, Sue is living an ego or fear based existence instead of acting from her true self or soul. So, in all likelihood, sue will attract someone she can’t trust and/or who will eventually abandon her.
Now, at this point, you may be asking; what does soul mate attraction have to do with discovering my true life purpose? Well, the answer is everything! You see, the very same fears and insecurities prevent the necessary connection to higher consciousness that is required to reveal ones true path. If you want to get to the rose garden you’re going to have to pull yourself out of the mud puddle. In other words, uncovering your true path requires courage. But, it also requires a commitment to embracing a journey that will have some unexpected twist and turns along the way. In fact, many people who unveil their life purpose often say, “gee, I never thought I’d be doing that in a million years!” As an example, if anyone would have suggested that I would become an author who has written 10 books and over 100 articles, I would have instantly dismissed them as a complete loon! At the time, I had absolutely no reason to think otherwise because I completely despised the subject of English. In fact, whenever my teacher would ask me to diagram a sentence, it was everything I could do to refrain from regurgitating! You see, it’s rarely what you perceive it to be on the surface. So, can you now understand why it’s impossible to uncover your true purpose by writing a few phrases in 20 minutes? If you’re really committed to unlocking this secret, you’ll need to clear away all the garbage and surrender your will. Now, when I say surrender, I don’t mean that you should turn everything over to the universe and expect the goods to be delivered to your doorstep. You still need to drive your car, but you’re going to have to do it with a different driver. A driver that knows how to read the signs!
OK! So, here’s what to do to get started;
If you’d like more information on the 5 step process to uncover your true life purpose visit my websites below to download my free e-guides.
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