Take time out to revive your senses and enjoy yourself. Indulge yourself in the moment, be aware of it and get lost in it. It is those rare moments of blissful enjoyment that often gives us the zest for living and help us overcome our crisis moments.
Many people consciously enjoy only a small portion of their lives. They have forgotten how to listen to their inner voice, to understand their feelings and allow them enough space. While it is important to keep our physical bodies healthy, it is equally important not to neglect our spiritual side.
Anyone who continues to ignore moods and the small changes in their psychological state, who does not recognize and deal with anger and stress, is apt to do as much harm to himself or herself as someone who smokes or drinks al lot of alcohol and do not get enough physical exercise.
Many studies show that each person possesses general resources which help to overcome difficult moments. Scientists are searching for those factors which keep a person healthy or at least contribute to their health. Factors which are found to be helpful include, for example, social networking, confidence in oneself and in others and finally, a strong zest for life. As the old French saying goes, joie de vivre (joy for living), it is a quality that we must all seek.
“Those who don’t enjoy themselves are not enjoyable for others”. This old saying is both simple and yet is profound in truth. Many people do not doubt the truth of the matter but putting it into practice is another whole new ball game. While it’s easy to say that everyone should enjoy themselves more, many people will wonder where they should begin. If you’re such a person, don’t worry, you are not alone. Many people find the art of enjoyment difficult to acquire. But you can learn to enjoy yourself.
Do you remember when you were in school, the subjects that you do best in are always the ones that you enjoy the most? There are simple techniques that can help struggling students cope with their schoolwork. These techniques utilize the brain’s natural ability to form mental pictures or stories. Any person using his or her imagination with such techniques can have improved memory, enhanced study skills and accelerated learning. Such memory training can make any subjects interesting, even with mathematics or physics where the abstract notations and equations can jump to life. When studying become fun, the grades naturally start to improve.
Recently, psychologists have developed a programme to train people in the art of enjoyment. Firstly, this involves sharpening the senses. The following sense-enhancement exercise can be done with your family or friends. Fill a basket with sweets, pebbles, flowers, fruit, spices, perfumes, soft toys, musical clocks, different kinds of fabric and other similar items. Then spread these items out on a table. All participants should carefully examine each item, paying attention to the different senses each appeals to and what memories it invokes.
One important starting point to learning to enjoy yourself is making sure you find the time to do it, and that the process is perceived consciously.
So devote some time for pleasant things and concentrate on them. The general rule of thumb is “less is more”, especially when it comes to eating and drinking. It is not the quantity that makes a treat into something special, but the intensity with which you enjoy the taste. It is essential that you find out for yourself, preferences and build experiences of enjoyment into your everyday life. Enjoy that special wine or that chocolate, but learn not to overdo anything to the excess.
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