We are fully capable of becoming successful
We are all meant to shine, it's not in some of us, it's in all of us. Become conscious and take back control of your life.
How to form a shield to protect yourself from unconscious people? See there's a reason why there's only 1% of people that become successful. Even though we are all capable of becoming successful. We learned how to walk. Walking was the hardest thing we ever had to learn. We are fully capable of becoming successful.The reason why people don't become successful is because they fail to continue when they fail. This could be called proper failing. The test of will you continue has been taken and they failed at it. Since they fail they tell themselves they can't do it,
that their not good enough.This fuels the ego and keeps them where they are. The ego doesn't like change and likes to remain comfortable. A good way to know if you're growing is to feel uncomfortable. When you stretch your boundaries, and see yourself doing things you wouldn't normally be doing, that's when growth happens.A good lesson to learn here, is don't worry about what other people think. What other people think has nothing to do with your success. As long as it doesn't help you get toward your goals, it has no value to you. No one can harm you unless you give them permission to.I usually stay quiet when surrounded by unconscious people. They are like crabs in a bucket. If a positive thinking crab attempts to get out of the bucket, the negative crabs will pull them back in. A lesson I learned was, be careful who you tell your dreams to.When I am surrounded by positive people, people that I know will help me reach my goals. I will then share my ideas, and get advice or positive feedback to help me move forward.Ignorance is the only problem in the world. Cure ignorance by replacing it with truth, and we are all laughing. Fill your mind everyday with the right information. You must surround yourself with the right kind of thinking. You desire to become successful, learn from people who have already achieved success. Get inspired, learn, grow, achieve greatness. The more you surround yourself with the right thinking. You will know that you are successful. Knowing that you are, will be the key to become successful. You command to the universe to give you your desires. You have seen it, and can bring it into reality. Everything will start to form, and show you the right path towards your desire.
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