Before you quit your job have some common sense if you are an entrepreneur. Here is some sensible advice for you
Statistics show worldwide that as little as 7% of people are happy in their jobs; enjoying fulfilling job satisfaction in careers of their choice. It is no wonder then that millions of people dream of the ultimate freedom of working at home without the pressures of a boss peering over their shoulders. This very fact is one focused on by millions of adverts for business opportunities on the internet. Many opening headlines will advertise, ready to quit your job, fire your boss, work from home, quit your day job and own your own home based business. Many people join thousands of business opportunities like this every day, but few manage to achieve the real possibility of quitting their day jobs. Those that do get to some sort of earnings in a home based business should know when it is safe to quit your job!
Is it Possible to quit Your Job with a Home based business Income?
This is a million dollar question and also one that is very tricky to answer! If you are one of the lucky ones that have discovered a real solid home based business that is earning you money, are you confident that it is enough to quit your day job? What about it being reliable enough? Take it from me who have traveled this very dangerous path and have been unfortunate enough to be in a too much of hurry to quit my job. The lousier your job is, and the nastier your boss is, the more hurry you are going to be in to quit your job and it can be end up being far too soon as well. Many internet opportunities or network marketing programs can turn out to be shaky in the long run and the income you are enjoying at the time which may exceed what you are earning in your day job, may later fizzle out and even become non existent.
If this does happen, like it did in my case, then you will regret quitting your job with the realization that you have made a little bit of a hasty decision. If you have already quit your job and discover this is happening, you will start scrambling in a panic to look for an alternative internet business or income generating source that will come to the rescue. This may then mean throwing good money after bad; in a panic especially when your internet income is decreasing at an alarming rate. Everyone in the family is affected by your mistake, and you may even be of an age when finding a new replacement conventional job is very difficult. Some common sense is needed to know when it is safe to quit your job.
Conventional Job versus an Entrepreneur.
A conventional job provides you a comfort zone; whereas an entrepreneur has to rely on their skills and discipline to earn their daily bread. Sure the internet has truly made it possible for people to quit their jobs and fire their bosses as the saying goes, but some common sense needs to be applied. If you want to know when it is safe to quit your job as an online entrepreneur, then it means firstly have a few different sources of income, and also monitoring them over a period of at least three months. Secondly also have at least three months wages or salaries as a buffer in case things do go wrong. This will give you a chance to look for other alternatives if your internet business starts slipping. My advice is to have this in place and if you do then it is safe to quit your day job.
How Wealthy Entrepreneurs Make Money Online!
If you would love to know how many young entrepreneurs become wealthy on the internet the best thing to do would be to follow their lead. Fortunately there are many such legitimate coaching programs to be had online!What you Should Know About making Money on The Internet!
Before you even think of making money on the internet there are certain things you should be aware of. One of the most important facts are patience and if you do not have this trait you could be setting your self up for failure from step 1.So You Want To Work from Home in 2013?
If you want to use the internet to make money online you need to go about it the right way. First of all get rid of the idea where you think the internet means you can become rich quickly. Internet businesses do take time to grow and become profitable!