You have been created to live our life in freedom, health and wealth. If your life doesn’t look like that, it means you block yourself by your thoughts. Your thoughts are very powerful instruments you use to either create happiness and wealth, or sickness and poverty. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, change first your thoughts.
There is an Intelligence inside us that can elevate our life at the highest level.
Everyone should learn to collaborate with this Intelligence which is organized to react on our intentions and to create with us a life of abundance and happiness.
Freedom, happiness, richness, love, friendship, health and wealth are our birth right.
We have been created to live our life in freedom, health and wealth. If our life doesn’t look like that, it means we block ourselves by our thoughts. Our thoughts are very powerful instruments we use to either create happiness and wealth, or sickness and poverty.
If your life doesn’t look like what you’re dreaming of, it means you have thoughts which go against you. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, change first your thoughts.
You can choose your thoughts. Nobody in the world can put a thought in your head without your permission. Your mind belongs to you! It’s your job to control your thoughts! You are the master of your head, you are the gaurdian of your thoughts. You can change them. Choose those thoughts who will bring you the results you want.
Never think a thing you don’t want to happen.
Read that again : never think a thought you don’t want to become true.
It means : don’t think anything negative about yourself if you don’t want this thought to become real. If you don’t want to be stupid, stop thinking you are. If you don’t want to be fat, stop rehearsing in your head how fat you are now. If you don’t want to loose your boyfriend or girlfriend, stop thinking about this possibility.
Instead of these destructive thoughts, choose thoughts which reinforce you. Choose to think how intelligent you are, and you will be! Choose to think how beautiful you are, and you will shine like a star! Choose to think you are loved, and you will!Thoughts are energy. Every thought carries an energy level. Your choice : or you choose thoughts which lower your energy level, or you choose thoughts which increase your energy level.
It’s in your hands! Or better : it’s in your head! How you will feel and act depends on what you think. Every action and emotion is preceded by a thought.
You can choose thoughts which block you, or even paralyze you. It isn’t any more difficult to watch your thoughts to be able to choose them consciously. It’s just a matter of exercise and consciousness.
Once you've learned how to become the master of your thoughts, you become the master of your life!If checking your thoughts seems too difficult for now, you can start watching your mouth. Never let come out of your mouth something you don’t want to happen! Never wish a bad luck to anyone if you don’t want this to realize. Watch your mouth, watch your words, watch your thougths, and become the creator of your own life!Your life does not depend on others. It depends on your own ability to master your thoughts.
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