When it comes to the workplace, many people spend their day in an environment that’s just not them. Decide what works for you and make it happen.
When it comes to the workplace, however, many people spend their day in an environment that's just not them. You may like what you do, but if you're not comfortable where you're spending most of your daylight hours, then that's a lot of time spent not being happy, right?Here's a good example. Jackie is an art director for a major magazine in New York. She has a plush office way in the back of the building where it's nice and quiet for her to work. The problem is, Jackie hates being stuck way in the back. She'd really rather have a cubicle in the main art room, surrounded by the graphic artists and writers. She feeds off their energy, and loves being around the excitement of press day and deadlines. Her office is just way too ‘ho hum' for her, and she actually gets less work done during the day because she's always taking a break to head down to the art room for her energy fix.
On the opposite end is Susan. She has a cubicle on the main floor of her building. Her colleagues are always walking by her space to talk to her, and phones can always be heard ringing. Susan loves the quiet calm of the corporate library, and often goes back there to work. Having people dropping by her desk all day really distracts her, and she'd love to have an office far away from the center of activity so she could work alone.
Jackie and Susan represent the two opposite ends of a very large spectrum. A few minor adjustments and both of these women could be loving their jobs a whole lot more than they do right now.
If you're a part of the workforce right now, or are thinking about going back, spend some time really looking at your personality. Do you like the noise and energy of a communal space, or do you prefer quiet? Do you love the freedom of being on the road making sales calls without someone peering over your shoulder, or do you want a steadier 9-5 routine? Do you need a window with a view, or do you find that too distracting?Once you've figured out your ‘style', how do you go about creating a space that's perfect for you?If you need to go from office to communal space or vice versa, try talking with your boss to see if she can accommodate you. Be honest about why you want to change locations, and make sure she knows you'll work more effectively in the new space.
If you can't change locations, then try changing your current space. If people distract you during the day, hang a sign on your office door (or outside your cubicle) asking people to leave you alone during certain hours of the day. If you need some energy and excitement, bring a radio or water fountain into your office for some background noise.
Taking a good long look at what your work style is can go a long way in helping you be more effective during the day. It will also help improve your mood and lower your stress level. If you're in a space that's perfect for you then you're just going to be a happier person, no bones about it.
There's Great Fun in Face Painting on Kids!
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