Beginner Soccer Drills - Best Drills For Young Soccer Players
Laying a good foundation starts with teaching young players good beginner soccer drills. But without an element of fun, it's unlikely you'll get much response from players as we explain in this informative guide.
Developing good technique is a must for any young soccer player that is just starting to play the game. There are several useful beginner soccer drills that you can teach kids that will help them to bring their game to the next level.
It is extremely important for you to explain the drills carefully and completely so your young soccer players understand exactly what is going on.
Fun Soccer Drills
One of the most fun beginner soccer drills is called the passing drill. This involves placing two cones down 10 yards apart and then having 5 players line up behind each cone. One player should start with the ball at one of the two lines and then pass the ball to the player facing them on the opposite line.
After the first player passes the ball they should run around the outside of the cones and head to the back of the line that they passed the ball to. This repeats until all of the players have had a chance to pass the ball a few times each.
When you are first starting out with this drill you should allow your players two touches each on the ball. There first touch should be used to trap the ball,

but at the same time to prepare the ball for a pass.
Keep Ball Close To Body
It is important for the ball to remain close to their body after the first touch so that they keep good control of the ball. This is one of the beginner soccer drills that teaches players how to keep control of the ball. The second touch should be the pass to the other line.
When young players are learning how to pass the ball it is important to teach them to kick the ball with the inside of their foot. This will help them play a clean pass to the opposite line that also has a significant amount of power behind it.
Learning One Touch
After your players have mastered this drill by using two touches you can progress to the next part of the drill. This involves players only using one touch. This means that every time that a player touches the ball they will immediately pass it to the other line without stopping the ball first.
This requires players to move extremely quickly to the other line because it creates a fast paced drill. This is one of the more basic beginner soccer drills that you can use to teach young soccer players how to pass a ball. It will help them to learn the fundamentals of passing in the game of soccer!