During the ... the moment a golfer allows body weight to move outside the neutral position of the ankle that was ... at address a power leak is created. It then becomes a ... to t
During the backswing, the moment a golfer allows body weight to move outside the neutral position of the ankle that was established at address a power leak is created. It then becomes a challenge to transfer weight in the forward swing with any consistency.
Although this lateral displacement of weight often occurs as a compensatory move due to hip inflexibility, it may be accentuated (or even caused) by weakness of the ankle evertors (or muscles that tilt your ankle up on the little toe side).
The ankle position of the forward foot (closest to your target) is a major factor in successful delivery of power at impact. At this “moment of truth” when tremendous force is created from the feet upward your ankle should hold fast to its neutral position. Strength of the ankle evertors becomes a major factor at this point as the body mass is quickly rotating and moving toward the target.
If your weight has moved outside the “power zone” and your ankle has rolled to the outside, you have once again created a power leak. The stronger and better trained your ankles are:
§The more power you can deliver at impact
§The better your ability to maintain proper spine angles
§You can more effectively resist compensatory moves in the swing
Perform this as an exercise and hitting drill. You will gain strength, improve footwork, establish better golf balance and increase swing power as you move from the backswing, into your forward swing, to impact and to the finish position.
The exercise---
Take your normal address position. Contract the outside muscles of each lower leg in order to flare up the outside of each foot slightly. Strive to maintain this “flared up” position with each foot as you hit a golf ball with a shortened half swing. As you move toward impact the back foot ( R foot of right handed golfer ) will naturally move out of the starting position as the heel leaves the ground to establish the normal follow through position. Just beyond impact the forward foot (L foot of right handed golfer ) will flatten but do not allow your weight to transfer to the outside of the foot. Your follow through is shortened to parallel to the ground for this drill/exercise. Repeat with 10 to 20 swings or until your leg muscles fatigue to the point of not being able to adequately hold your feet in the proper flared positions.
Remember: During your swing keep proper spine angles, maintain a good solid position of the back knee during your backswing, rotate your center of gravity within the balance zone, and accelerate through impact just as you would in a normal swing.
Yogalates for Golf
To swing a golf club simply rotate back then rotate forward while shifting your weight accordingly around the axis of motion of each hip. To this simple version of the swing, add a few things such as a good grip, proper weight transfer, maintain spine angles, stay balanced, correct tempo, proper alignment, etc…, and you’ve got every reason to expect a single digit handicap. Golfers for the ages have pondered how something so simple could become so complex.Golf Grub: Optimizing Nutrition for Peak Performance on the Greens
Elevate your golf game by focusing on optimal nutrition, which is often the most overlooked aspect of a golfer's regimen. A balanced diet not only supports physical endurance but also sharpens mental focus, essential for every golfer aiming for peak performance. As noted by David Costill from Ball State University, while a good diet won't transform an average athlete into a great one, a poor diet can certainly diminish a great athlete's performance.A Golfer's Diet
GOLO GOLF GRUB Fuel for the golfer. “A good diet can not make an average athlete great, but a poor diet can make a great athlete ... -David Costill, Ball State ... Indiana Golf is a life