Guidance to Pick a pair of Suitable Running shoes
People are alaways learning which kind of running shoes should I choice? To solve the problem, We'd better had clearly know your foot kind, then it is not too late to choose the shoes. Here we give you some guidance of foot and best shoes to your foot!
It is really so important to pick one pair of Trainers which make you runs better,

which one to purchase largely depends on your foot. There are three kinds of running style, each kind depends on the foot.Below is the three styles foot we usually have:Flatfoot: Fatigue will damage the foot, very large quantity of human being are in this category. What is flatfoot? If the arch of the foot collapses, with the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or near-complete contact with the ground, that can be flatfoot!High arch foot: Foot with high arch, high instep, you may feel somehow pain in foot, and it rarely have cushion to floor. About 30% people are of this kind.Standard foot: Only 10% people have standard foot. In the condition that you get standard weight, then you can be a excellent runner from the view of medicalEasy method to test your foot type1. Put your foot in water.2. Step down to floor or some hard objects with plain surface.3. Watch the footprint and get the result.Flatfoot: If most part of your foot touched the ground, like Bear's paw, and the footprint is all on the floor, you can get the conclusion of flatfoot.High arch foot: In the condition that the foot have high arch and your foot almost can not touch the ground, you are high arch foot.Standard foot: You leave appropriate footprint ground, it is standard foot.A. If you are flatfoot, Stability and support of the Inside foot will be strengthened by choosing one until last or Semi-curved last.Choice one pair of shoe with High-density medial support can avoid excessive internal rotation footPick a pair of shoe insole material made up with PU will increase the cushioning and durabilityShoes with ordinary outsole can be more wear resistanceB. As soon as your foot arch is high, your foot can freely move by choosing a curved or semi-curved last shoe Extra inside support is not need.Pick a pair of shoe insole material made up with EVA can soft your foot at the same time make the shoes lighter.Lighter and softer outsole can make shoes more flexible.C As your foot is of standard state, straight last or semi-curved last shoes is the best.Though you have no problem of Gait control, but we always recommend you buy shoes against the transfer, a shoe with high-density support will totally avoid the inside rotation Buy some Nike shoes, like dual-density level in the mid-sole, can mix use the EVA high density PU materials, this will make better soles shock and overall function.Pick ordinary rubber outsole shoe, or foam rubber forefoot together with ordinary rubber outsole!