The foundation of a good swing is to have the correct balance and posture. Without these you will struggle to make consistent contact with the ball and your accuracy will not be very good. So here are a couple of pointers on how you can improve your posture.
You generate the most power and the greatest swing speed when you tee off with a driver. So to do this you need to have a great foundation to support your body as it moves through the ball.
To improve your posture and have a good foundation to support your swing you should set your body up as follows:
1) Your feet should be shoulder width apart and should point slightly outwards to give you maximum balance and stability through the swing.
2) The ball should be positioned just inside your left heel. This forces you to approach the ball with a sweeping angle of attack and hit the ball slightly on the upswing.
3) Your weight distribution is critical. Sixty percent of your weight should be on your right foot and forty percent on your left foot. This gets you in the perfect position for shifting your weight correctly when starting with your backswing and consequently helps you generate maximum power on your downswing.
4) Your shoulders should be over your toes causing you to move your weight slightly forward, but very importantly you should keep your back straight and should not crouch.
5) Your hands should be directly under your chin. To ensure your hands are in the correct position take one hand off the grip and let it just hang freely. It should hang directly under your chin and this is where your hands should be when you address the ball
If you do all of the above your posture will be in the best position to help you get the most out of your drives and at the same time maintain your balance throughout the swing. This should result in greater distance and improved accuracy.
I hope this helps.
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