Let’s Run Quickly

May 25




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Incidentally, after having a baby, the results of running were not necessarily affected. Lately Dr. El Deli said that, there were many examples that w...

Incidentally,Let’s Run Quickly Articles after having a baby, the results of running were not necessarily affected. Lately Dr. El Deli said that, there were many examples that women who were pregnancy and childbirth also ran as well as before. Some of the best athletes were to be the Olympic champions after giving birth to a child. The only possibility circumstance was that the track and field athletes might not get the enough training after they had children, so their results fell as a result of the lack of preparation. Running was still beneficial to the women who had already passed the childbearing age. Please recall the case of Euler Weaver who had already over eighty in the fourth chapter. On the basis of the report of the University of Wisconsin, the case of the so-called spontaneous osteoporosis would also be changed through exercise. The so-called spontaneous osteoporosis referred to the bones of the elderly people became loose as a result of the decrease of calcium.
Yet, the most obvious change of women that described in the chapter two-the psychological change-was the same as the change of men. Nina Cusick said that, this was the first time she had faith in herself. She knew that she had made herself do according to her refutation. Running was her own thing and she was not forced to run by no one. She realized that the reason why I could do what I wanted to do was due to the great efforts I made. It was clear.
One woman told me that running had great benefits to her in the period of her divorce. She said that although she was under great emotional trauma, she had run better and better. She did not know how this could be. She was extremely uncomfortable inside, she thought she might suffer from this sooner or later. She also participated in a marathon four days before she divorced. She maintains running relied on eating sedatives and she did not know how she ran down. However, she knew that running was good for her body and the result would be good for sentiment. Running gave her a lot of help in that time. So after that period of time, my body was healthy.
Generally speaking, compared with men, the difference of running was that women just began to take part in these sports. Women were thought not to run in the marathon over a decade ago. Women were refused when they applied for the marathon on the grounds that they could not run so far. Yet, in 1966, Robert in Winchester, Massachusetts, finally broke through the forbidden zone. She hid in the bushes before the gun shot. When the gun rang, she attended the race while people did not pay attention to her and she ended the race finally. After a year, Kathy became the first women who had the official number to participate in the marathon (see the chapter 18th). Women finally were allowed to take part in the game until 1972.
The records of women were better year after year and it also reflected the changes in attitude. The record in 1967 was three hours and seven minutes, then in 1975 it was two hours and thirty-eight minutes which was better than most of men that ran in the race.

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