School Fundraiser Planning Tips
School administrators, teachers and parents are looking for more and more options to help purchase more supplies and textbooks that have been hard hit by budget cuts.
In the economic slump of today,
it is not easy for schools to come up with the more funds mandatory to give a quality education for our pupils. School administrators, teachers and parents are looking for more and more options to help purchase more supplies and textbooks that have been hard hit by budget cuts. Each school year neighborhoods become saturated with kids out selling things to meet the goals set for the fundraising activities of that school. Competition is fierce and timing of money raisers at schools is really key. With the suitable product being sold at the suitable time, a school’s fundraiser must be a large success.
Food and candy trendy choices when it comes to money raising. Gift things and gift wrappings and cards are also at the top of the list for money raisers. Although food is a good seller all year round, there are a few times when it is especially in high demand, such as during the holidays. Holding a bake sale just a day or two before school closes for Thanksgiving or Christmas empowers parents to pick up fresh-baked goods for their holiday meals. You are selling baked goods and convenience, both of which are highly prized during the hectic holidays.
Selling gift items from a catalog during the Christmas and Easter seasons enables parents and neighbors a convenient option to shop for extra gifts. In addition, displaying gift wrapping and cards several weeks before the holidays is a perfect way to make funds and have things that are on everyone’s holiday shopping list. With the suitable products offered at the right time, fundraisers at schools can be highly profitable.