Sports and Life

Dec 27


Kate Jing

Kate Jing

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It's introduction of sport benefits in several aspects.


It's said that loving sport means loving life. It's true. Playing sports can be beneficial to us in several aspects. It can bring us good physical and mental health as well as good characters.

First,Sports and Life Articles playing sports can help build up our body and keep our body in shape. Nowadays, sports are popular among youngster who pursue slim figure and good living habits. Many old people also love sport, beacause it can reduce some risks of illness and prevent some healthy problems, such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes and so on.

Secondly, it is a healthy way to relax us from the daily stress, depression and anxiety, for doing sport will distract our attention from troubles and worries. Regular exercises are helpful in keeping good mood which will set a good start in every aspects of life. Without anxieties, we will be confident and efficient in work; we will deal with interpersonal relationship wisely and avoid some social conflicts on impulse. From this view, doing sports may bring us good lucks in life.

Furthermore, sports can be helpful in character building-up, especially for children. Some team sports, such as football or basketball, could enhance children's cooperation spirit, as every player is a part of the team and they will work together for success. What’s more, children can learn some social skills by taking part in those sports, in which they can meet many friends with the same age and communicate with each other. Some sports, like long-distance race, can help children form a strong will and the personality of endurance and persistence. Thus, children's characters can develop well through sports

All in all, doing sports play a very important role in people's lives. It benefits us with a healthy bodyand jolly mood, and it also contribute to character development.

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