I bought a football kit from UK Soccer Shop recently and was both annoyed and infuriated after the item arrived. But that's not their fault.a[rel~='nofollow']{outline:.14em dotted red !important; outline-offset:.2em;}a[rel~='nofollow'] > img{outline:thin dotted red !important; outline-offset:.2em;}
I bought a football kit from UK Soccer Shop recently and was both annoyed and infuriated after the item arrived. But that's not their fault.
When I was a lad I was nuts about Nottingham Forest and wanted nothing more than a Notts Forest footy kit for my ninth birthday. I was never very good at football or any other sport for that matter, but in my mind, if I wore the red and white strip of my favourite team emblazoned with their distinctive tree logo, I'd be an instant footballer!
Imagine my disappointment when I received a red football shirt and white shorts with no distinctive logo covering my heart. I'm sure my parents felt how let down I was as I thanked them for my birthday present, and I certainly didn't become an instant footballer when I played in the bog standard off the shelf football kit.
If I was to review my parents attempts at buying me a Nottingham Forest football strip it wouldn't be very favourable... but I don't want to sound like a spoilt brat who's still moaning because he never got what he wanted on his ninth birthday, so I'll leave my parents out of it. I did however buy myself a Nottingham Forest football kit on my 39th birthday, by which time the team who'd won two European Cups had been relegated to some unknown division. But that's not the point.
I ordered my official Nottingham Forest football strip from UK Soccershop with my age, 39 on the back and as tribute to my favourite player from their glory days, 'Anderson' placed above it. It was only after placing my order I noticed a less than favourable UK Soccer Shop review and naturally, I began to worry.
After reading more and more UK Soccer Shop reviews I realised they were a very mixed bag, although I was still worried that the football strip I'd wanted for 30 years may not arrive as ordered. One thing about positive and negative reviews is people prefer a good moan than anything else. If you don't believe me... read the first two paragraphs again!
With this in mind, reading more negative than positive reviews is to be expected, as I've been perfectly happy with many online shops but have never once felt compelled to say so. If all the happy customers had as loud a voice as those who are unhappy, I'm sure the negative UK soccershop reviews would be a tiny minority of all the positive reviews.
My Nottingham Forest kit arrived exactly as I'd ordered it and I have no complaints about the product or the service. I was slightly annoyed that when wearing the official kit that my football skills were worse than ever, and my young 'football mad' nephews hadn't even heard of Nottingham Forest left me almost infuriated, but that's not something I'd write in my UK Soccer Shop review.
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