Where Do I Start With GPS Units? A Beginners Guide To The World Of GPS.
Knowing which GPS Unit to buy can be a tricky and stressful affair. With so many different choices available, it can be difficult to know exactly what you need. This guide is here to help you make the right decision when buying that GPS Unit.
The world of handheld GPS units for recreational activities such as hiking and running is huge. There are devices for walkers,

runners and even swimmers with metrics that monitor stroke count. Choosing the right GPS when you are on the trails is important and it can not only enhance your experience but also give you an extra safety device should you get into trouble and lose your way. GPS Units are also well used by those who partake in Geocaching, a form of digital treasure hunt where participants use coordinates on a handheld GPS in order to track down containers called “Caches” which contain logbooks and other “swag” items.When purchasing a GPS system it is essential to know what features you need for your enjoyment. Here are some of the key features you should be looking at when deciding which model to buy. Ability to add maps – This is the ability to add more detailed mapping to your device. By adding OS Mapping at 1:25k and 1:50k levels you are able to enjoy your surroundings in even more detail with topographic features. The mapping also includes thousands of features including accommodation, dining options and local services. Basemap – A base map is on the majority of handheld GPS units designed for walkers. This offers a basic map which shows your location in relation to your surroundings and helps you to navigate yourself to your destination. Battery Life – Allows you to have an idea about how long you can use your device without having to recharge or change the batteries. Waypoints– The ability to log your waypoints and favourite locations means you can return to those little gems you find on your route in the future and with reasonable ease. Different devices allow you to store different numbers of waypoints.Garmin GPS Units are without a doubt the leaders when it comes to the production of handheld GPS units worldwide. They have a large catalogue of GPS units available for a variety of sports. The Garmin Oregon 450 is a popular choice with hikers. The Oregon 450 is a touch screen GPS with a much higher screen resolution and higher amount of pixels than the Garmin 62s. Although it only features 850mb compared to the Garmin 62s’ 1.7gb, the Oregon 450 possesses significant memory to store a large amount of routes, waypoints and maps. The Garmin 62s is without a doubt the best selling of the range. It is a rugged, waterproof device designed to withstand whatever conditions the mountains can throw at it. For This reason it is popular with fell walkers, mountaineers and the mountain rescue service. Featuring the ability to load OS Explorer and Landranger maps directly onto the device, it is possible to explore your surroundings in extreme details and get an idea of the topographic of the area. The 2.6” Sunlight readable screen is perfect for those bright days on the peaks when glare from snow can be a problem. Another popular option from Garmin is the Montana range. The Montana 600 features a huge 3.5gb memory, which means you should never run out of space and can store a huge 4000 waypoints. It is touch screen and features the option to use it as a GPS unit for your car. All of the GPS units mentioned above are suitable for Geocaching to help you get the most out of the trails. This GPS unit article is intended to educate those looking to buy a GPS unit for the first time, These views are my own and are based upon my past experiences, I do not work for Garmin. There are plenty of other options such as Satmap and Memory Map that provide excellent quality devices of their own. If you are heading out into the hills, remember to take an OS Map with you just in case the worst happens.