5 Trends Taking The Junk Garbage Removal Technology Towards Innovation

Mar 25


Uday Patel

Uday Patel

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Read how technology and inplementation of new methods help in waste management. Read news related to these developments.


We have now become more than 7 billion and as we live our life we produce waste all along. As per the record in the year 2009 on an average every single American produced around 4.6 pounds of garbage per day. However,5 Trends Taking The Junk Garbage Removal Technology Towards Innovation Articles just 35% of the produced waste was recycled rest is still lying dumped on the ground.  If you are thinking this is bad we have few more figures, as the UK recycled just 17% and Greece did it just by 10%. With such a scenario, it becomes pretty important for us to search some of the innovative and highly advanced technologies that can remove the junk from nature.

RFID:  RFID is the technology dealing with the data sharing of solid waste collection and pickup. RFID came into existence many years back, however in the past five years it has gained fame. If you are the one having RFID tag on your bin and your garbage truck even has it, then your garbage management services can easily confirm  the time and place of garbage pickup. This technology helps to maintain the record of the garbage truck, their following routes and the pickups coming under their section. With this, the city can track the exact number of recyclable waste coming from each house and can even prepare the associated record. This can even help the city to conduct informative programs in the area where the garbage participation is low.

Two Dustbin Method: This method has again an enormous popularity as experienced a huge success. Here the citizens have to keep two dustbins at home, one for solid waste and the other for wet kitchen waste. This help’s the city to remove the junk appropriately from the linked place and hence even helps in the waste management.

Penalty: This is a major thing that can be done by any of the cities. Here the city can connect the bins and the trucks with the RFID and can impose the penalty if garbage is not managed properly. If you hurt the pockets of someone they will definitely understand the meaning and the importance of proper junk removal. The presence of RFID makes the assignment of penalty an easy catch.

Dustbin Locator: Many cities have evolved certain applications that can make you visible the location of the nearby dustbins. Example if you are at a park and just done with the bottle of water instead of throwing it anywhere you can search the nearest dustbin in your mobile and throw it in the bin with the pride.

Gasification:  Gasification is the latest junk removal trend in the modern cities. Here they
convert the garbage into an energy that can become the useful obsession. Before the implementation of this technique we use to convert just the 2% of garbage into energy.

There are many companies that have developed a gasification technique which is able to convert a lot of selected waste into biofuel. This process forms a clean, low-cost and sustainable gas. This gas can be used in many ways like as liquid fuel, refine crude oil, green diesel fuel, etc.

With constant evolution and development in technologies the World can solve problems related to waste. New techniques enable proper recycling of waste into alternative forms of energy. All lead to conservation and protection of our fragile environment.   

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