This article is about a few ways you can prevent people from stealing your laptop and other methods you could use in case it is stolen. This is especially useful for students who bring their laptops everywhere to study. It also applies to the business people who carry their laptops around for on-the-go work.
Five of the Coolest New Windows Phone 7 Smartphones
The first wave of Windows Phone 7 smartphones are starting to roll out –just in time for the holidays. Take a ride through the features that set them apart from each other and the sea of smartphones on the market.Passive Glasses for 3DTVs
Passive 3D glasses, the kind you wear in the theater, are making their way into the home, sparking a possible format war between 3DTV makers, where active shutter glasses already reign.Best Ways to Share Personal Videos
Not sure about how to share those photos and videos from family gatherings and vacations? If you want to show others what and who you've seen lately, read this article to find out ways to connect that camera or phone to larger screens. It'll make it easier on the eyes.