Blackberry Curve 8520 VS Blackberry Bold 9700 : PAYG Available For Both
The following article has a good comparison about the latest handsets brought by RIM. Blackberry Curve 8520 and Blackberry Bold 9700.

As soon as you hear it you know some wonderful gadget is being talked about. Blackberry has become a established brand in mobile industry. Blackberry phones are well equipped with features of latest technology. Every time a new black berry enters the market it is improved than the ones that came before it. The demand for these beauties seems would never lower down. There the two major players by Blackberry are going to be discussed. The Blackberry Curve 8520 and the Blackberry Bold 9700. Both the handsets are a wonderful work of art. There both are compared quite often as they possess some of the features that confuse the people to make a selection so as to know which handset is better.
Many people are on a lookout, how to get Cheap Blackberry Phones. To make the availability for cheap Blackberries several leading merchants have taken out wonderful Blackberry Curve 8520 Pay As You Go deals and Blackberry Bold 9700 Pay As You Go deals. These deals ensure that handset reaches people at the lowest possible rates. There are some lucrative schemes under which free gifts are also given. These free gifts include laptops, Digital TVs, LCD TVs, Gaming consoles, play stations, iPods, mobile phone accessories, Xbox, free talk time, free text messages, free downloading, are a few to name.
Blackberry Curve 8520 Pay As You Go deals offer you a gadget that weighs 105 grams. The dimensions of this handset measure 109 x 60 x 13.9 mm. On the other hand Bold 9700 weighs a hundred and twenty grams. The size of bold 9700 is 109 x 60 x 14 mm. The size being same Curve takes on to the game as it is lighter than Bold. Curve 8250 losses on camera. It has a 2 mega pixel camera while on the other hand Blackberry Bold 9700 Pay As You Go deals brings the handset with 3.15 mega pixel. Bold 9700 camera gives a nice resolution of 2048x1536 pixels and Curve 8250 as 1600x1200 pixels. Though there is a difference in the camera power yet the photographs clicked by both are crystal clear.
Bold 9700 has an internal memory of 256 MD and it can be expanded up to 16 GB using a micro SD card. Curve 8520 has an internal memory same as bold but a micro SD card increases its memory by 32 GB. Curve once again grabs the game on. There is an endless list about the features that these handsets possess but they are certainly the best of the pack.