Product Cost Decisions Impact Bottom-Line for Discrete Manufacturers
A clear and undisputed characteristic of product delivery is that as much as 70% to 80% of the total product cost is a direct result of the design decisions made in the first 10% to 15% of the product development process. According to Frank Azzolino, President and CEO of aPriori, “Our strategy is simple: enable discrete manufacturing companies to identify and assess costs from the conceptual design through production, and provide the means to leverage the existing infrastructure and systems of record.”
Realizing hard savings is only possible if discrete manufacturing companies can satisfy today's demand for a direct and measurable reduction of COGS.
As companies grasp the flexibility and scalability of aPriori's solution, they will significantly reduce COGS by accurately assessing and managing costs early enough in the product development process to affect the critical decisions that impact and control costs.
Based in Concord, MA, aPriori ( is the technology leader providing innovative cost management solutions to the discrete manufacturing industry. aPriori’s Cost Management Software Platform enables manufacturers to better understand product cost decisions early and throughout the product lifecycle. aPriori’s Cost Management Platform empowers manufacturers to lower cost-of-goods sold (COGS), provides real-time visibility to “cost-critical” decision information, and builds critical cost knowledge to go on the business “offensive.” aPriori’s patent-protected cost management platform allows companies to assess, control, and reduce cost of goods sold by whole percentages. The aPriori Platform truly enables “Cost Knowledge Before it Matters.”
John Busa
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