Security and authenticity are matters of top concern for governmental organizations. There’s always a threat looming of fake e-mails by fraudsters to gain undue mileage. Secure email server incorporates top technology to verify and check the authenticity of e-mails.
For purposes of immigration, secure email server can be used to verify the potential visa-seekers so that due process can be adopted without any risk.
The world has seen a rapid rise in the tendency among people to move abroad. It becomes a challenging task to keep track of the identity of those who have applied for visa. Secure e-mail server will automatically check the e-mails, thus confirming the identity of the sender. Not only that, it will also filter the e-mails, thus forwarding only those which are authentic.
It also checks the signatures and the timeline, both of which are vital and unique for the applicants. The emails that the applicants will send will be checked against time and signatures. Those attempting to lie to an immigration office or trying to cheat will immediately be caught.
The deployment of secure email server ensures smooth flow. Applicants will know that they will get themselves heard and any queries will not be ignored. The immigration office, on the other hand, will save its time by letting the secure email server forward only those emails which have passed the tests of verification.
This can play a great role in reducing human trafficking. As per the quota of the state, the particular immigration office will keep check of the applications and that each application is unique in its own right.
There have been cases where people tried to gain advantage by playing unfair or by sending multiple emails with different profiles. This causes a sheer traffic of applications and queries which waste time and energy. Secure email server delivers efficiently here!
Applicants residing in different countries tend to access the Internet in a certain way. Secure email server doesn’t depend on any end-user verification nor does it require the end-user to have certain software installed. It is centralized and all the emails are duly received by the server which, then, checks, verifies and forwards them.
Secure email server is time-saving, efficient and reliable. The immigration offices won’t have to worry about the time-delay or about the performance of the secure email server. They can be sure that all the applications or queries (emails) are duly tested and there’s no chance of any fake profile.
Secure email server also secures the right of the applicants by assigning unique signatures and time-stamp. They can make use of these whenever they have to contact the office. Emails and attachments can be signed using either corporate keys or unique user keys.
Where the world has progressed rapidly, chances of trickery and cheating have equally grown. To fight against these evils and to ensure a transparent mechanism, secure email server of filtering applications will ease the work of immigration offices beyond measure.
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