Does Size Matter? Question Prevails in Mobile Apps World Also
There is no doubt about the bouquet of advantages that a business owner receives by implementing mobility in his workplace. The trend of mobile apps has increased mobility, connectivity, coordination and lastly, employee's productivity. However, experts say that adopting and using mobile apps are two completely different phases. They say that to harness the true power of mobile apps, it is important to have an in-depth understanding of how this technology converts everything that it touches into gold.
There is no doubt about the bouquet of advantages that a business owner receives by implementing mobility in his workplace. The trend of mobile apps has increased mobility,

connectivity, coordination and lastly, employee's productivity. However, experts say that adopting and using mobile apps are two completely different phases. They say that to harness the true power of mobile apps, it is important to have an in-depth understanding of how this technology converts everything that it touches into gold. As an employee of a reputed apps development company, I have experienced that behemoth and cumbersome apps are nothing but a hindrance in increasing productivity. Therefore, business owners should go for a group of smaller apps that are powerful and competent of pulling crowd, fulfil their expectations and get blended into company's main business very easily. Someone has quoted a funny line, which says that if mobile apps were dinosaurs, they would be Velociraptors, as this class of dinosaurs was quick, small, and powerful and worked best in groups.
As more and more business owners move towards adopting mobility in their businesses, it is becoming tougher for them to incorporate a consumer driven product, which is slated to change our method of interaction completely. Most business owners are unaware of its working methodology and they keep cramming their existing services into iPhones and iPads. The outcome is nothing but unusable, confusing and devastating apps, which are not only bulky in size and scope but slow running as well. Paul Kapustka, a renowned blogger recently interviewed an app developer from a well-known pharmaceutical company and the theme of the interview was "what are the effects of bad apps on an organization?" Here is what that app developer replied.
Don’t expect any miracle happening, if you own a bad app. With thousands of apps capable of doing the same task as your app, no wonder if users will uninstall your app in 5 minutes and get a new app that works more efficiently. Switching to other apps is not an issue but what matters is that frustrated users will leave negative reviews about your app that would bring companies reputation on the ground.
This shows that bigger apps just interrupt the workflow of the users and as a result, nullify their usefulness that app developers suffixed in its design. Slow apps play a major role in pushing the users back towards traditional approaches like desktops, PCs, laptops, old-fashioned hardware and software because at least they work. As I said before, that it could bring down the credibility of the business, which would make it impossible for it to win any mobile project approval in future.
The solution to this problem lies in the basic concept of mobiles and how it has altered the way, we interact. It is not just how we interact with the web, with each other or among organizations, but how we interact with information period. I feel that as leaders of technology, we should focus on our user interfaces and the data differently. We should stop using never-ending hierarchical list of list of list. We should be capable of touching and visualizing this concept and understand that this is the actual power of smart phones, which becomes completely spontaneous when used on touch screens. If we are able to achieve this goal, our users will not only use these apps extensively, but will make them a part of their day-to-day activities.