Health Exchange Navigators – the Savior of Federal Marketplaces
As October 1 approaches and the deadline to health insurance exchanges draws nearer, federal marketplaces are faced with a big task of getting everything up and running in 27 states. Since this number is a lot more than what federal authorities had estimated in the beginning, they are stretched thin over managing implementation across 27 states. In such a scenario, federal marketplaces are relying heavily on insurance exchange navigators for guiding and educating people through the process of enrollment.
What are Navigators?Basically,

navigators are groups of people and solutions which can help an average American figure out the new health reforms, find the best plans that are suitable for his needs, perform budget calculations and coverage nuances, and enroll with the new system. Navigators will be hired by agencies which have been authorized by the federal authorities, and would be further trained on the entire process of enrolling people.
Why are Navigators Useful?As federally facilitated marketplaces get up and running, it is going to get a little tougher to process all the implications and benefits of the program and enroll for health insurance. It is a complicated task which would require effort and question-answer sessions on a regular basis. For precisely these questions and doubts, navigators would prove useful. Navigators would help you find the right questions that are applicable to you, find the correct answers to these questions, figure out the best strategy for investment and enroll for health insurance.
How Will Navigators Help Americans?Under the exchange navigator program, federal authorities have shortlisted some organizations for training and enrolling people. These organizations will basically look for people and entities that can function as exchange navigators and help people buy insurance. Once these organizations have selected the group of people and entities, they would be required to provide mandatory training to these people so that they are equipped to handle the incoming requests and questions from people who want to use the federal marketplace.Once these health insurance exchange navigators are fully trained and prepared, they will be in a position to resolve the queries of shoppers who are looking for the right health insurance, thereby lifting a heavy load off the backs of government.
Does Everyone Need Navigators?No, everyone would not require the assistance of insurance exchange navigators for enrolling with the federal marketplace. Most people would have employer benefits or Medicare coverage to back them up. Only the uninsured Americans who are enrolling freshly with the system are going to need the assistance of navigators for making the best decision for their requirements.
As marketplaces become fully operational, these exchange navigators are going to be instrumental in processing information and helping people enroll with the system. More than just getting people enrolled, the government expects these navigators to affect the best possible selection for a wide range of Americans.