The best method for identifying unknown wireless calls is by using a cell phone search directory.
Nobody particularly enjoys calls that come in from unknown numbers. And if these callers don’t leave a message,

it can leave you wondering and possibly even worrying all day over the identity of the caller and what they could have wanted with you. In the past, if the call came in from a landline number, you could simply call the operator or consult the White Pages phone directory to find out the caller’s name and address if the number was also listed with the directory.
But if the call came in from an unlisted number, you were out of luck. And God forbid the call come from a wireless number. Neither of these types of calls could be identified without the aid of a private detective or getting the cops involved in your business.
Things are different today.
The advent of the reverse mobile phone directory now makes it possible for anyone to identify the owner of any kind telephone call. If the call came in from a wireless number, all you have to do is get on the site of one of these directories and perform a cell phone search. In a matter of seconds, you will have a full report in your hands that reveals all you will need to know about the caller.
So if you are wondering about the identity behind a mysterious phone number that keeps showing up your home or cell phone, you can easily find out all you want to know by doing a cell phone search.
If you would rather not call the unknown person back and deal with them directly, I’ll explain a way to confidentially get a very detailed report on the person fast. This method will work for every sort of telephone number you can think of.
Cell Phone Search – Learn The Name and Address of Any Caller
All that is required of you in this type of search is to type the full 10-digit number into the site of a reliable reverse cell phone directory. Within moments, you will be able to purchase a report that reveals:
• Owner’s full name and current living address
• A map location of the current living address
• A list of previous addresses/residences
• Household members
• Mobile phone carrier
• Relative and Neighbor names
• Age
• Occupation
• Complete owner history of the number searched
Now, if you are wondering why this report will cost a fee, the reason has to do with where the data contained in your report originated. The major mobile carriers like T-Mobile and Sprint, the owners of the data, lease this information to the directories where the public is able to gain access to the results of their inquiries. So, the directories have to charge a small fee to cover costs and make a profit.
But, the fee is very reasonable and if you perform your cell phone search with one of the best directories, your report will be backed up with money back guarantee. All you need to do when looking for a good directory to perform your searches on is to make sure that you read the site’s terms of service. If you find one that takes in its payments through a digital retailer like Clickbank, you can be sure your purchase is backed for a full 60 days.