The easiest way to get the name and address of an unknown cell phone caller is to conduct a search with a good reverse mobile phone directory.
Tracking down friends,

family members, and people who owe you money can get a little dicey when the only thing you have to work with is a cell phone number. This is the way it appears to those who don’t actually know where to the answers. The reality is that is very easy to get a cell phone owner’s name and address.
If you’d like to know about a sure-fire way to track down that deadbeat friend of yours who borrowed $1,000 and skipped town when it came time to repay the debt, the following will tell you how to do it.
Let’s just say its been 3 months since you have a heard a word from your friend. It’s obvious he has no intention of repaying because he left town with no forwarding address and even turned off the old mobile number you still have for him.
And you may think he is long gone.
Think again.
You can take that old number and run a search of it with a reverse mobile phone directory. The report you get in response to this search will tell you his current address, among other things. And that is all you need to hunt him down. But if that is not enough, the report will also tell you about other phone numbers he may currently own – so you can start hounding him down on those numbers.
The report will also give you family member names along where they live, so you can notify them that you are looking for their deadbeat relative.
Even more, you may even be able to find out the name of his current employer. So if sending letters to him and calling his other phone numbers are not enough, you can get on the horn and start calling him at work… and maybe even speak with his boss about his deadbeat ways.
Believe me, all of this will get his attention.
Beyond this scenario, though, there are many people that are simply looking to get a cell phone owner’s name. Maybe they have found a number scrawled on a piece of paper, or maybe they want to learn the identity of an unknown number that just appeared on the “missed calls” list of their mobile phone.
If you are looking for the simplest and easiest way to get a caller’s name from a cell phone number, there really is only sure-way to tackle the problem. And the answer is not Google or a free phone directory. The answer is what is known as a reverse mobile phone directory.
This directory is terrific when it comes to finding out the names of guys your wife or girlfriend has been two-timing you with. This may come as a bit of a surprise, but she may be a little reluctant to admit to such behavior, let alone tell you the name of the guy or guys she has been humiliating you with.
If you would like to find out who these guys are, what you can do is simply trace all the calls made and received on her mobile phone. It shouldn’t be too difficult to gain access to her phone, so just handle it.
Go to the website of a reverse mobile phone directory and get busy searching numbers. Mostly likely, most of the numbers you will be searching will be mobile numbers, although some may be business or landline numbers. So, here’s the best plan for searching every type of number: sign up for a subscription with a directory.
A subscription allows you to search any type of telephone number your wife or girlfriend may have had contact with. But understand that each mobile phone search is still going to cost you – even with a subscription. The private nature of these numbers means the only way these directories are able to make these reports open to public viewing are through buying the most current information from all of the wireless carriers.
A report on one of these fellas will tell you his name, where he presently lives, whether he is married or single, other family member names, other phone numbers he uses, what he does for a living, how old he is, and other details. In short, more than enough information to find out for sure what actually is the situation between each of these guys and your wife or girlfriend.