Is the Amazon Kindle DX the Answer for the Struggling Newspaper Industry?
While authors may not be exactly enthusiastic about what the ebook reading technology can do for the book industry, the newspaper industry is finding in the Amazon Kindle DX a potential savior that can get consumers’ interest in newspapers reignited.
Things haven't been favorable for the newspaper industry lately. Will the capability of the Kindle DX to publish newspapers in DX format help pull the industry out of its current slump? Since subscriptions haven't been strong enough to keep some newspapers running,

there have been a lot of budget cuts made. This includes having to lay people off from the work force or removing some sections of the paper. To save the industry, some publishers have tried focusing on technology by making online editions of their newspaper, while others have made their paper available for subscription through the Kindle. But this move has been an open debate for various analysts.Some say that the change is a good thing for the newspaper industry. The printed paper has been around since Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick published its first, and last, edition in 1690. Now that the digital age has revolutionized almost every other facet of human life, the paper is simply falling into place. Many people see the trend as inevitable and think that it would be unwise if papers were to resist. Instead, opting to go where the momentum leads them may allow papers to get to readers more easily and with less waste. Hopefully, this will entice people to pick up their subscriptions again.On the other hand, there are also those who don't quite agree with the move of creating e-versions of newspapers for the Kindle DX. Publications who want to retain readership have already turned to publishing online versions of the paper and earn money from site advertisers. So why then would people pay just to have Kindle versions of the same stuff that they can find online for free? Those who see the logic in this argument believe that having subscriptions sold for the Amazon Kindle DX would be a waste of time, effort, and resources on the publisher concerned, and could be the last straw that may bring about the demise of the industry. Already, blogs, which is considered pseudo-journalism, are becoming a good source of news.The more newspapers switch to having their news published through the Kindle DX, the more interest will be built for this type of medium. Since the Kindle is becoming a popular gadget that allows people to bring thousands of books with them, offering online updates for best-selling subscriptions would then be easier for Kindle owners instead of reading news from the printed paper. This time around you don't have to worry about your paper getting ruined by the weather once it is delivered to you. You also need not bother waiting for your PC to slowly boot up just so you can get hold of the news. All you have to do is to turn your Kindle on and the information would be ready for you to read. There really is no saying whether or not the Amazon Kindle DX will save the newspaper industry, but right now it may be the only chance they have.The Kindle DX may not save the ailing newspaper business but it may change the way you read forever! Check out our site to learn more about ebook reading devices and why they are such a hot commodity. You'll also find our complete Kindle DX review and others to help you decide which one is best for you.