There are things that we are taking as normal. Things that we are using on a daily basis that are only available because of mechanical engineering innovations. We are riding in our vehicles, every year a newer model with newer technology is available. Or, we are purchasing the latest household appliances or computers, without thinking about how life would be without it. These are some of the things that we are used to today, but that is only available because of mechanical engineering innovations. Things that have changed the world completely.
The wheel and axle
This is one of the first mechanical engineering innovations on earth. The wheel and axle. Just think about how life would have been without the wheel. We will not have bikes, cars, trucks, trains, or even airplanes.
Without this innovation, we would not have this world that we know and love today. No way to get from point A to point B without just walking. An innovation that might be an accident, but that is our lifesaver today. From a stone wheel to a wooden wheel to the wheels that we know and use today.
Airplanes making the world smaller
Airplanes, going overseas to other countries for holidays. Something that we are doing on a regular basis. Doing without thinking twice. Not thinking that this is because of one person that was obsessed with flying and going to other countries and flying like a bird.
This is a huge mechanical engineering innovation that is thanks to many other, smaller innovations. Like the engine, the electronics, and other things that engineers have invented. You can also think about how the airplane has developed over the years. How to save it becomes to fly and how to modernize the aircraft has become. Hundred years ago, we couldn’t visit another country and fight aircraft was all we know. Today this isn’t strange, and we can visit anyone, anyplace in the world.
Electronics developing
Another great mechanical engineer invention is electronics. This is another great example of how inventions have changed our world, and how electronics are changing as technology is changing. With each new invention, the electronics are changing, improving, and getting better and better.
From radios to MP3 players, now MP5 players, and music players that are on your phone. Electronics that we didn’t know would be invented a couple of years back, are now something that we can’t live without today. Another great example of electronics that develop and that changed over the years is the television. From the first television that was a black and white television, to the smart televisions today that are full HD and that are flatscreens, huge and with really great features. But, wasn’t it for the first television that was invented, we wouldn’t have the smart television today.
Computers taking over the world
Thinking back to years ago, there were people that are saying that computers are going to take over the world. That computers are going to do everything a person can do. We think that it wasn’t going to happen. But, just because of the first mechanical engineer invention of the first computer, this did happen, and most companies are making use of computers today. Maybe not the robots that many have thought are going to happen, but computers that are working in manufacturing companies, managing cars and even make sure that traffic is running smoothly.
Mechanical engineering inventions that have changed our lives forever. Things that we don’t even consider or think twice anymore. But a few years back, these things were just a dream, an invention in the making. Today it is improving and just getting better and better.
CR Asia is a leading industrial maintenance and shutdowns specialist, providing a comprehensive range of services to the oil, gas, chemical, refining and power industries, including mechanical services, mechanical engineering services, heat exchanger maintenance and more.
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