MP4 player – enhanced with new features

Dec 31




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Technological evolution is always based on the ones which already exist. The earliest technical devices were developed on an existing concept or by taking into account the work done by hand. The new version always eased the activities done by earlier versions in many ways. They were also more attractive in designs and more convenient in operation.


The MP3 player is from the USA and the MP4 player is from the Republic of China. The difference is the MP4 player has more features than the earlier ones. The latter is a new version of the former and represents all the new versions of audio video workability features. Naturally, the MP4 player should be with more features than the MP3 players if the manufacturers’ ideas in producing it,MP4 player – enhanced with new features Articles is to capture the MP3 players’ monopoly. This objective has already been fulfilled given the fact that MP4 player is the most in demand high-tech gadget in the field as far as audio video manoeuvres are concerned. The gadget comes in many designs and varied storage capabilities with a plethora of enhanced features. 

The enhanced capacity of audio and video input and output is one important feature of the MP4 player when compared with the MP3 player which is with a lower capacity in these respects.  With MP4 players, the users can record television programs or view them on the MP4 screens. It is capable of voice recording, and has more capacity for storing information plus with an inbuilt alarm clock. The users can connect MP4 players to their PCs or laptop via USB cables and download files, look videos, send emails, play games etc. In short, the activities that they do with personal computers and laptops can be done with MP4 players as well when the device is connected with the relevant source.  

The appearance of the MP4 player is sleeker than a MP3 player. The designs are superior to the former versions and equipped with more storage capacities. The ones with removable lithium batteries are user-friendlier than the one with inbuilt batteries that cannot be replaced. The portability of MP4 players is remarkable. This is one reason many people prefer to own a MP4 player instead of other types of audio video storage devices. The LCD screen of the MP4 player comes in many sizes. It is good to have one with a smaller LCD screen since it helps in carrying it more comfortably than the ones with big screen.

The entire file formats that work with MP3 players plus the ability of converting files already stored in MP3 players to the MP3 version is another valuable feature in the MP4 player. Every audio, video and image formats are compatible with the MP4 player. No audio video Internet files will refuse to produce desirable results with the MP4 player. At one time it can be an entertainment source, while at another time, it will be an important medium to communicate with business partners or friends. Yet another moment, it can be used as demonstrative equipment in lecture rooms. All these features keep the MP4 player above other identical products very well.

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