We’re getting increasingly closer to the final release date of both the consumer versions of some of the most prolific headset in the virtual reality scene. Oculus Rift, the pioneer and the headset that started this whole madness called and Playstation VR, the name behind a long history of original technical ideas.
It’s cool to see that Sony is trying to step up its game with a virtual reality headset in the form of a Playstation 4 gadget. PS4 is going through its second successful year, recently having sold more than 30 Million consoles. It’s easy to see that it has a gaming community that is dedicated, and sometimes even hardcore (Destiny fans?). This community will definitely be able to back up the whole virtual reality expansion. Having said that Sony also has a history of arguably failed gadget launches (Playstation Camera, Playstation Move etc). They were ahead of their time and even original in some sense but nevertheless failed to make an impact to the mass market. Let’s hope Playstation VR doesn’t end up in the same bucket.
Oculus Rift on the other hand has it’s own set of issues. A young company when compared to the likes of Sony and even Microsoft, both in hardware and software. Oculus currently has no big studios able to back it up but a very dedicated community.
When you already have to spent a sum of money in the upwards $1000 mark to be considered a dedicated PC gamer, it’s sad to see that Oculus will cost $350-ish and possibly a brand new computer able to run it. And all this under the no-content package. It’s not easy to predict what will happen, but things sure seem harsh.
In the specs comparison: OLED displays to both sides, 5.7 inches panel size for Playstation VR, but not yet announced for the Oculus Rift. Rift returns with a resolution of 2160×1200 while Playstation VR boasts a lower 1920×1080. Refresh rate in the Rift is 90Hz per eye display, while PS VR is 120 Hz—90 Hz. Both have their own sets of sensors with Rift currently making a better impression. The field of view in the Rift is 110, while on PS VR is 100.
Rift has the upper hand in terms of display, but other than that we can’t see many differences between them—well, not until we get our hands to their consumer versions.
I don’t want to go as far as to announce a winner to this ‘dispute’, since in the end it’s also possibly that none of them will make a meaningful impact to the gaming market. In the end, it’s probably up to those who will dispose that considerable sum of money to acquire a headset.
Until then, keep checking our site for more news about everything virtual reality related, as well as more articles comparing the upcoming headsets.
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